Yunyu cursed in his heart. He thought that Michael was just a clueless boy, he forgot that this clueless boy was the one who ordered the massacre of hundreds of people.

He tried hard to stand up, he gazed at Michael coldly and said, "Your Highness, your unhealthy obsession will be your doom. Even if I don't report this to the Saintess. Someone will tell her about your sin."

"I do not sin, this is all by God's will," Michael rebuked.

Yunyu chuckled mirthlessly, "Hypocrite, I was coming here to learn about the goodness of the church, but what I got is an abuse from you. I'd rather stay faithless rather than following a hypocrite like you."

Yunyu walked away with his extremely weakened body, he tried hard to leave Michael right now. Because he could feel that his gaze slowly blurred, he leaned on the wall from time to time.

Michael's eyes didn't leave Yunyu's back. He watched the Duke walk away, trying to escape him. He wouldn't lie, there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart when the Duke said that he came to the church to learn about the religion, but what he got was this.

Michael gritted his teeth and followed the Duke. His hand tapped the Duke's shoulder and said, "Duke, I was just protecting the Saintess, I wouldn't hurt you as long as you are not inquiring about the Saintess."

Yunyu shrugged Michael's hand off his shoulder. His body was very heavy at this point, but he still walked away determinedly.

"If you stay faithless, god will punish you. You are forever an evil human if you don't convert," Michael urged.

However, this sparked the duke's anger, Yunyu glared at him, "Even if I am not your follower, I have my own way to be a good person. Stop playing god, you are not worthy to judge me!"

"I am the servant of god, I am worthy to judge a faithless like you."

Yunyu scoffed mockingly, "I never hurt anyone in my life, but you hurt me and killed hundreds of people with your hypocrisy. You are more sinful than a faithless!"

[Pupa: According to your character background, you are a vampire duke that has killed countless people and drank their blood as your daily diet.]

[Sshhh! Shut up!]

Michael gulped. Someone actually dared to insult him like this. If it was just a regular man, he would execute him. But what the Duke said somehow choked him.

'More sinful than a faithless...'

Michael finally halted his step and watched the Duke go to his carriage and left the grand church.

Yunyu's body slowly regained a bit of strength after he left the grand church. He took a deep breath and called Pupa, "Pupa."

"I'm here."

"How is the Breakmeter?"

"The current Breakmeter is 40%, and the current Fatemeter is 15%"

"Wait, it increases again?" Yunyu raised his eyebrows. The Fatemeter was now surprisingly 15% and he was not sure what caused it.

Pupa floated around Yunyu and asked, "Michael had a moment of pause when he gazed upon your exposed neck, are you one of those hosts that would usually seduce the main target and then PA PA PA until their love turns 100%?"

"I'm not!" Yunyu protested. He was not those shameless hosts that would shamelessly offer his body in exchange for the Fatemeter. His main objective was to save the world.

Save. The. World.

"I do not object if you want to complete the task by using your body as long as it works," the system said, "Anyway, your body is in bad state right now. I suggest you rest."

Yunyu was pretty tired and beaten up anyway, he nodded and closed his eyes.


Days passed and Yunyu had yet to meet Michael again. But he was sure that the Prince was actually keeping a tight watch on him. Since that incident in the grand church, Yunyu felt that there was someone who kept watching over his movement around his mansion.

[I think someone is watching me since that day.]

[Pupa: Indeed, there are three people already infiltrated the mansion to inquire about your life. They are all Prince Michael's men.]

[So, he is trying to find my weakness. He feels insecure with his own sin.]

Yunyu had guessed it right this time. He finally understood the reason behind the initial 20% Breakmeter value. It was because Michael himself felt guilty with all the murder he committed in the name of god. Deep down, he knew that he was wrong and he felt unworthy to be close to the Saintess. But he knew no other way.

So, when Yunyu called him more sinful than a faithless, he was definitely shaken.

[Pupa: It is fortunate that Duke Damien never killed or drank someone's blood in front of the servants. There is no trace of strangeness inside the mansion currently, the only strangeness is that Duke Damien always eats alone and never eats outside of his room.]

Yunyu had an idea to increase the Breakmeter even more. Since he was practically a faithless, refusing to convert under the grand church. He would give Michael a view of certain contrast between a sinful follower and good faithless.

[Alright then, let's go and do good charity! I need Michael to see me as a faithless with a good heart!]