Start from the beginning

You looked at them in puzzlement. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Your powers are blue, right?" Karolina asked.


"Then why is it red?" Chase asked.

You stared at your two friends for a minute before shaking your head and pushing them towards the backdoor. "It doesn't matter. We'll worry about it later." You shoved them inside after opening the door and allowing them to depart through the main entrance. You hurried back to Nico and the others, and as you passed through the windows, you noticed your eyes were flashing brightly red.

Your eyes were restored to normal when you ignored them. You noticed Pietro standing beside your adoptive sister as Nico, Gert, and Molly were hiding behind a parked car. As you stared at his pale skin and grey eyes, you froze. He smiled at you until he disappeared when a man walked past you. Before sprinting back to Nico, you looked around and shakily took a big breath.

You hid with them, watching Karolina and Chase put on a convincing performance. "Baby, I was not flirting with that girl," Chase exclaimed at Karolina.

"Babe, you so were," Karolina argued. "You're a giant dick."

"No, I'm not. I was being nice! That's the opposite of a giant dick." Chase shifted his gaze from Karolina to the approaching valet. "Keys." He demanded sternly.

"Oh, yeah." Karolina scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "Were you being nice when you banged my roommate? That's right. You're a giant dick."

Nico dropped her head in embarrassment as Molly snickered quietly. You held back a laugh. "Oh, they're both natural at acting." When you discovered Chase was wearing sunglasses, you were taken aback. "Where the hell did he get those from?"

Chase slid into the driver's seat, while Karolina went in the passenger seat immediately. Chase drove the car to pick up you, Nico, Gert, and Molly. Gert and Molly went to one side of the car, while you and Nico went to the other. With a smile, Gert looked at Molly. "Pretty white privilege for the win."

As your friends discussed how persuasive Karolina and Chase were, you gazed out the window. When Karolina mockingly repeated her comments to Chase, Nico, and the others laughed, you grinned unconsciously. You were having a terrific time until you saw Pietro smiling at you from the stoplight.

"(Y/n)." You read his lips saying your name. You instantly averted your gaze from the window, attempting to tune out the noises of your companions. When they realized you were all near Graciela's house, the gathering fell silent. Chase accelerated his speed, and Molly pointed to Graciela's residence.

Chase quickly came to a halt in the car, and you all hurriedly marched towards Graciela's house. When Gert noticed Molly walking quickly, she accelerated her pace. "Molly." She called out. "Wait, what if our parents are in there?"

Molly brushed aside Gert and dashed to Graciela's door. The brown-skinned girl repeatedly rang the doorbell. "Graciela?" She banged her fists on the red wooden door. "Graciela?"

No answer.


Still no answer.

"Graciela, ¡háblame por favor!"

You looked to an open window and you were followed by Nico. Your eyes widened as you peered out the window and saw a motionless body on the ground. You gasped and Nico held you from behind. She noticed what you had found through the window.

"Maybe she got smart and left," Chase told Karolina and Gert, the three of them completely unaware of what you and Nico had discovered.

Molly was on her way back to Gert when she saw you and Nico standing near the open window. Molly put the pieces together after seeing your traumatized face and Nico's sorrowful expression, and she froze in horror and terror. She slowly turned around, her eyes glowing yellow, and easily broke down the door, keen to find her distant relative.

She looked around the house as her eyes slowly went back to normal. Molly halted from walking when the shocking scene was unable to make her move. On the kitchen floor was her distant relative, Graciela Aguirre, dead on the ground with her mouth hanging open and her eyes widened.

As she neared Graciela's body, Molly burst into sobs and sank to the ground, crushed with despair. You and the others stood there watching Molly sob hysterically. Gert's eyes widened. "She's dead."

Chase scanned around the place and sighed. "There's no sign of a struggle. Maybe she couldn't take the stress and had a heart attack?"

You immediately went beside Molly and pulled her into a warm and tight hug. Molly clung to your arms, her curly hair caressed by your touch. You averted your gaze from the body because it was too much for you to bear. As Molly continued to cry, you closed your eyes and put a delicate kiss on the side of her head.

Nico, on the other hand, surveyed the living room and crouched to examine the area beneath the couch. She studied a vial containing a small amount of serum. "That's what they want people to believe." Nico declared. "Our parents staged this." She showed the serum and sighed. "We must have just missed them."

Gert returned her gaze to Graciela's lifeless body, and she became absolutely petrified. She tried to console Molly, but she was horrified. "Th...That's a body. I ca... I can't. I can't." Karolina soothed her as she began to hyperventilate.

Chase crouched down beside you and Molly. Molly sobbed harder. "She didn't do anything wrong." She cried out.

Chase rubbed Molly's back in comfort. "We know, Molls." He grabbed Molly's hand firmly. "We gotta go."

Molly pulled away from your embrace and shook her head. "We can't just leave her." She protested. "We have to call the police!"

Nico sighed heavily. "I'm sure Flores is on his way. Our parents own the police, remember?"

When you heard the police cars' sirens coming, you all stiffened up. Karolina took a step away from Gert and approached the kitchen door to see Molly. "Molly?"

You rose up after letting Molly rest on the ground for a bit, and turned back to see Nico removing Graciela's wallet from her brown bag. Chase scoffed. "Seriously?" He asked Nico in disbelief. "You're robbing a dead person?"

"Look, I know it's harsh..." Nico glanced at Graciela. "...but this is our reality now."

You waited for Molly while seeing the others leave. Chase turned around and waited for you and Molly. Molly closed Graciela's eyes and planted a kiss of goodbye on the old woman's forehead. Molly had to force herself to get up and leave, and she greeted you with an embrace. You patted her on the back and led her outside, Chase trailing close after.

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