Start from the beginning

"I can relate," Nico replied as she tucked her hands into the coat she borrowed from Chase.

"Come on, let's go." Chase was the first to enter, and the rest of you followed. You all got in line with the rest of the people, received some paper plates, and waited patiently for the workers to bring you some food. When Chase turned around, he noticed a PRIDE tarpaulin. "You gotta be kidding me." He groaned.

You all turned around and peered at the large letters on the tarpaulin. You were startled by the sight. "Whoops, I didn't see that. Sorry."

"This place is paid for by our parents?" Karolina questioned.

Nico shook her head to the others. "We can't eat that soup."

"Nico's right," Alex replied. "It's PRIDE soup."

Molly sighed and rolled her eyes, exhausted and hungry. "Soup is soup, and I'm starving."

"Soup in and of itself has no inherent morality," Gert stated.

"Neither do our parents," Nico replied.

"Oh, my god." You groaned. "Are we really going to argue about soup and debate if the soup is as bad as our parents?"

"Whether it's good soup or bad soup, it is hot soup, and we are starving," Karolina said.

"Can everyone stop saying 'soup'?" Chase exclaimed in annoyance. "Look, it's not like our parents are gonna be popping by. They just write checks. They don't give a shit about the homeless."

Alex sighed. "Okay, grab your food and sit at different tables. We might not be as noticeable if we split up."

You shook your head. "No, if we stay together, it's easier for us to protect each other.

Nico nodded, agreeing with you. "Yeah, no way. Strength in numbers."

"Everyone just eat as fast as they can," Chase said before turning around again to get more food. Molly took a deep breath and exhaled deeply. "Won't be a problem."

You took a few pieces of food and Karolina noticed it. "Aren't you hungry?" She asked worriedly.

You shook your head. "I ate a little bit earlier while I was scavenging for some things. I'm okay." You gave the tall girl a reassuring look before walking over to an empty table. Karolina and Nico exchanged worried glances. Gert, on the other hand, was staring in despair and sadness at the homeless individuals in the vicinity. Chase took note of her and walked over to her side. "You okay?"

Gert turned around to see him. "Oh." She glanced back at the elderly and the children. "So many with so little."

"You seem surprised," Chase said. "I mean, you were Brentwood's fiercest social justice warrior."

Gert sighed. "Yeah. Guess I just never really seen social injustice in person before."

Chase gave her a sad smile before wrapping his arm around Gert's shoulders. "Come on.

The others finished their meals and sat down next to you. While you were about to finish your meal, the others were just getting started. Molly savored a bite and sighed happily. "This is so good."

"Finish up. We should move." Nico reminded.

"Way ahead of you." You stood up from your seat and stretched your arms a bit. "I'll look around for anything suspicious."

You dumped your trash in a bin and walked away. When you were outside, Gert looked at Nico. "Where should we go? Between PRIDE and the Church, the streets aren't safe."

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