Bella ran to Carl as he lift her up and was about to go when he noticed Stephanie.

S:Have fun kiddo.
C:Aren't you coming?
S:Well no I don't like ice cream that's first and second I wanna sleep.
B:Can I come back again when my babydoll is here?
C:She's always here strawberry.
C:Because she's my wife.
B:Really?She said she's your friend.
C:She was joking.
B:Then that means you're not mine anymore?
C:I am always yours strawberry.

They went for ice cream and after he came back he saw her talking on the phone with the speaker on as she was applying medicine to her wounds on her arms.

On the phone

Jeremy:Where are you my love?I haven't seen you in forever.
S:Shut that hole in your face before I shut it up with a freaking bullet to see if it can reach your mother fucking ass or not.
J:You still fight back.
S:Why did you call?
J:Where is the money babygirl?
S:Stop with those fucking dirty nicknames of yours,and I told you I'll send it to you tomorrow.
J:Okay than don't be late or else....
S:I know..shut up....Is my mom okay?
J:Well she's still alive and she wants to see you so bad.
S:If you want your fucking money than I want to see my mom.
J:Oh so it's one on one.
S:Yes,I'll meet you tomorrow at 1pm Carl will be working and he won't notice my leave,I'll give you the money and you have to let me see my mom.
J:Btw,how's that Carl of yours?
S:How can you be so cold blooded? knowing that I actually did all those sacrifices for him,you know that I'm going threw all this for his sake,and for you to not go near him and try anything of your stupid evil plans to kill him.All I have to say to you is go to hell with my fucking aunt.

She hang up the call and layed on the bed.His eyes widened as he drop the floor his mind refusing to process whatever was happening.
He couldn't believe his own ears.His wife was getting tortured and beaten so bad for his sake yet he just treated her so bad without even trying to understand her so she really was right,his stupid mind is refusing to listen to his own heart which is connected with hers.

He decided not to tell her that he knew infact he will solve this case,but he went to her and sat on the bed.He looked at her beautiful face and hovered over her.
Panick took over her whole body,she closed her eyes tightly and pressed her lips together,he just smiled at her reaction.

S:Did I do something wrong?I'm sorry if I did.
C:No you didn't,look at me kitten and show me your beautiful eyes.
S:No I'm scared.
C:You're scared of me?*sad expression*
S:Never,just the consequences.
C:Consequences of what kitten?
S:Just if I do something wrong.
C:Don't worry just look at me kitten.

She opened her eyes and saw him smiling at her.She smiled nervously making him laugh at her childness.

C:Thank you so much for saving my little cousin's life,I owe you big time..
S:Don't say that you owe me because you don't owe me anything.I saved her cause I saw myself in her,the girl who lost her everything 3 years ago.
The girl who sent away her soul to somewhere she doesn't even know where.I saved the girl who needed to be helped but never found a person to help her*Shut her eyes tightly and remember the times she used to get beaten making her cry*The girl who screamed out for help but no one came to her instead gave her that pethatic hopeless face making her cry and want to die and lose hope.
I saved the girl who lost herself and her soul the second she sent it to another place for him to become stronger.I was that girl back then I was that girl who needed help,but couldn't find it.I was the stupid person who sent you away to keep you safe,I was the girl who suffered to let you stay alive and marry her after everything will be done.I....*crying harder*I....I'm sorry.
C:Shhhh,don't cry please.I won't let that happen again,I'll protect you from them and won't let that happen to you again.Your soul came back to save you and to let you feel alive again.Forgive me if I hurt you anyhow and for not trying to understand you..
S:I get it,I'm not even mad at you my love,just don't leave me please.
When you went away it was the second when the raindrops fell down from the sky,my tears were unstoppable that my poor pillow got soaked.The day you left me....
C:I know;my angel died.You died cause I left you my angel.I....don't know what to say to you,if I said sorry a thousand times it would never be enough,but I'm really sorry.
S:STop apologizing,I sent you away,and I....mmm

He suddenly smashed his lips on hers kissing her passionately,she kissed him back and opened her mouth giving him the chance to shove his tongue in her mouth as he did.
He then went down to her neck and started kissing her,she held his hair softly and closed her eyes and melted under his touch.

S:I love you,I love you so fucking much.
C:I know and I love you too baby so so much.

He looked in her eyes and smiled,she smiled back and captured his lips in another kiss.

He then layed on her chest and they both slept.
                                        To be continued.

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