We side hugged as we continued eating and talking. I really love Kaori. She's just the best sister I've ever had and I really want her to be so happy.

Kaori: ああ、あなたはボーイフレンドとガールフレンドについて話しているので、私はあなたが私のことを知っているとは思わない。 (Oh, now that you're talking about boyfriends and girlfriends, I don't think you know about mine.)

Me: そしてそれは誰ですか? (And who's that?)

Kaori: さて、彼はニュージャパンプロレスリングに参加しています、そして彼は鈴木稔の突然機です。 (Well, he's in New Japan Pro Wrestling, and he's also the protege of Minoru Suzuki.)

Me: 彼は誰ですか? (Who is he?)

Kaori: オシロ。 (Oshiro.)

Me: ちょっと待って、彼はカナの兄弟ですか? (Wait a minute, is he the brother of Kana?)

Kaori: 彼女の赤ん坊の兄弟、そして私はあなたが彼を好きだと思います。 (Her baby brother, and I think you'll like him.)

Me: いつ彼に会いに行きますか? (When do I get to meet him?)

Kaori: 彼は今日私たちと一緒にビーチに行きます。 あなたは行きたいですか? (He's going to the beach with us today. You wanna go?)

Me: を確認してください。 そして私は尋ねる必要があります、あなたと彼は一緒にいましたか? (Sure. And I need to ask, how long have you and him been together?)

Kaori: 今1年間。 (For a year now.)

Me: どうして私は彼に会ったことがない (How come I've never met him?)

Kaori: 彼はなぜ彼があなたに会ったことがないのか知りたいのです。(He wants to know why he's never met you.)

We both laughed as we finished our breakfast and went upstairs to get into our swimsuits. After changing, we got together with Masami and drove to the beach.

It wasn't that far from the hotel, which is even better and I can't drive that well. I'm just someone who wants to be driven everywhere. If I take a cab, I'll take a cab. Kaori didn't mind that when I was diagnosed with Autism, but at least she knew my needs and wants.

When we got to the beach, we looked for Kaori's boyfriend and we did after some time.

Oshiro: ちょっとカオリ! (Hey Kaori!)

Kaori: こんにちは!(Hey, 'Shiro!)

They hugged and kissed, which peeved me a bit, but then again, I'm happy to see my sister happy.

Kaori: カイ、これはオシロです。 オシロ、これは私の兄弟、カイです。 Kai, this is Oshiro. Oshiro, this is my brother, Kai.

Oshiro: 待ちます。 レンホサコ? (Wait. Ren Hosako?)

Me: ええ。 (Yeah.)

Oshiro: ええ。 私はあなたについて聞いた。 あなたは世界で最高のレスラーの1つを考えていますか? (Yeah. I heard about you. You're considered one of the best wrestlers in the world, right?)

Me: 批評家によると、私はそれほど素晴らしいことではありません。 (According to critics, but I'm not that great.)

Oshiro: こんにちは、あなたはNXTで素晴らしいです。 私はそれを知っています。 (Hey, you'll be great in NXT. I know it.)

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