The Queen of the Fairy World part 2

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In the previous part we knew about Isabel's illness and was finally recovered. Do you want to know who cursed Isabel? Then watch this story to find out who cursed her. The story continued about Isabel who had been cursed, the one who cursed Isabel is her Husband's evil stepfather who is a human and extremely mean and cruel. Because in the past Isabel has a Fairy mother named Melody and she suddenly fell in love with Zamora a human, they had loved each other and Married, they had a beautiful baby girl fairy she is Isabel. Zamora's stepfather heard about it and was angry, he told the guards to lock Zamora to the dungeon and he was locked up. Queen Melody was sad and crying he said " Do not worry i will be back i promise!" Queen Melody became very ill and died and Isabel now became a new Queen of the Fairy World and Mira knew about her story and went to the human world and he saw Zamora's Stepfather and fight and was quickly defeated by Mira and said to him " You will have to pay the price who cursed my mother!" The Stepfather knew his mistake and beg to fix his mistakes, so Mira happily accepted him and forgiven him and the Fairy has lived in peaceful life forever. In the next episode the humans will invade the Fairy World and wanna know why the humans are invading them? We will have to figure it why they are invading the Fairy World.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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