New friends

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We've been here for about 5 weeks now. I have gained about 15 lbs since I've been here, as for Diego, well he gained maybe 5. He hasn't eaten much, he was put on a big machine to help him breathe. It beeps when he stops breathing, a lady comes and gives him medicine.

For about an hour or two, I get put in a pen with the other animals, well other injured animals. Most of them aren't your average house pet. There's a turtle name Jackie ( who's very weird, and slow ). A fox who's very loud, that's Yippie. There are many cats and other dogs in the next room, but one in particular was a bigger cat in my room. Orange and black, with stripes. She is different, she tries to play with the other cats but they don't like to play. She plays rough, too rough. Her name is Kierra. She has wheels on her back end. She doesn't have her back legs.

All the animals here are either injured or hurt. Jackie had a wrap around her shell. Yippie was sick and had very little fur, but he's getting better and growing his fur back. The lady said he had " mange ". It sounds horrible, hope I don't get it.

The lady sets me down, and walks away to check in my brother. Kierra runs over to me, she meows at me and I just cock my head, staring at her. She swats at me and hits me. I let out a loud whimper, the lady runs over and swats Kierra away. " Naughty Kierra! " the lady says. Kierra backs up, not knowing what she did that was bad. The lady picks me up, cleans off my nose. Which was bleeding.

It was close to bed time when the lady put me in my bed, next to Diego, but the lady took him away. His machine was beeping like crazy, I sat up not knowing what was happening. The machine stopped beeping and went to a non stop beeping. A couple ladies ran over to him, and started pushing buttons. They took him away to another room. The lady who tucks me and Diego in slowly walks over to me, her head down.

" I'm sorry darling, but your brother is gone. " What does she mean? Like gone for tonight? Gone for a week? Month? Forever? No, I can't think like that. I cock my head and look at her. She sighs and shakes her head. She kisses me on top of the head, then she turned on the little light, turned the big light off and left. That was a very quiet night, I didn't sleep very good, well at all. I tossed and turned, wondering when Diego was gonna come back.

A week went past and Diego never came back. The lady tried giving me food, but I wasn't hungry. Not while my brother was somewhere else. Eventually the lady had to put me on a machine because I haven't eaten in a week. It gave me energy, but she kept me on it. After about two weeks, she took me off the monitor and gave me a drink of something that tasted like milk, just sweeter.

I stay at that shelter for a while until a rainy day, when multiple men came in the building. They pointed a gun at the ladies, and yelled very loud. They got money out of a big box, and gave it to the men. I heard multiple loud booms and the ladies scream. All my friends started barking, meowing, and being loud. The men covered their ears, and ran out the door. The people came with red and blue flashing lights like before with the old lady. They took the women out on moving beds. Many other people came in and took all of us animals. They took us to a different shelter, with other animals. It smelled different.

This new place was different, the people were very mean, and kicked the sick animals out on the street. And little did I know, they were a non-pit shelter. No pitbulls. One man tried talking to the lady but she just disagreed. She didn't want me. They kicked me and another pup out, Crystal. Crystal was a shiny white color, with a raspberry pink nose. One eye bright blue and the other brown. She is very kind. She doesn't have a family like me, but I can tell when she's sad and misses them. Her mom was a husky and her father was a pitbull. She never talked about her parents though, well her dad. From what I heard, he was mean.

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