Our Happy Place

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The weekend..

Its Friday, after school, Yashido left hours ago..

I was bored and didn't know what to do for the weekend.. It felt as if it would last foreverrrr

For about a hour, I just floated around the school, peering into classrooms, thinking about old memories, that kinds stuff.. Then I came across the Sakura tree.. Hidden behind the forest in the back of the school, it was on campus, but not many knew about it because no-one went back there..

The sakura tree was a quiet place me and Amane would rest at..

We would talk, hang out, skip classes.. It was our happy place..

I went into human form and floated over to the tree.. Memories flooded back to me, happy ones.. I went and sat under it.. I climbed in it.. I cried a bit too..

I cried for all the memories me and Amane had.. I cried because I missed him.. I had kept it all bottled up.. I finally calmed down and decided I wanted to face him..

Turning back into my cat form, I walked towards the school, taking one last glance at the tree, I floated as fast as I could into the school..  I walked through the hallways till I saw Hanako's bathroom..

I peered in looking for him.. I saw him in the window seat and slowly walked in. He noticed I was there right away..

"Tsuki.." He said, I was a bit shocked he had said my 'name'

"Hanako.." I replied

"Why are you here?" He asked..

I paused, why am I here? I asked myself.. No specific reason I could think of..

"Well, I just felt like it.." I said, it wasn't the truth nor was it a lie..

"Hmm.." He hummed, then he looked away to gaze up at the stars, suddenly I wasn't so scared anymore, what would he do anyway? I could protect myself if anything ever happened..

I let out a sigh and curled up in a corner to go to sleep..

The next morning..

"BOO!" Hanako yelled and I jumped up

"Hey!" I yelled, he just fell back laughing

"That was mean! Why'd you do it?" I asked angrily

"Because I wanted to see your reaction!" He replied, "And it seems I got you good!"

"Yeah, yeah.." I said, rolling my eyes, "But it did make me feel alive again.. Hmm, I haven't gotten scared like that since all those times in the haunted houses.."

"Oh, I almost forgot you were alive once.." Hanako said

"You what?"

"I almost forgot you were human in fact! Why do you take the form of a cat anyway?" He questioned

"W-well.. I loved cats when I was alive.. I had many cats as pets.. They were more then just animals to me, even closer then friends, they were apart of me.. I don't remember a single cat that I hadn't befriended.." I answered

He nodded, "Another question if you don't mind~ Why are you suddenly comfortable talking to me? Why don't you cower away in fear like you did all the other times?" He asked

Suddenly the fear I had came back to me.. I remembered my fight with him.. I remembered the aftermath.. I remembered how he killed his own brother, then himself..

I didn't feel as comfortable talking, and Hanako seemed to sense that

"Oh.. Well if you don't want to answer you don't have to.. You can leave if you want.." He said, face falling

"O-ok.." I said as I ran off..

I wandered the school for a few minutes when I remembered the tree.. I decided to go over there..

I walked slowly, finally I was deep enough into the forest where I could see the blossoms falling everywhere.. It was quite a beautiful sight.. I walked closer, almost transforming until I heard cries.. I stop and listen closely.. It sounds.. Familiar.. I walked around the tree slowly..

Then I see Hanako.. No wonder it sounded familiar.. I concealed myself, making sure not to let out a ounce of spiritual energy.. Then, I climbed the tree..

He sat there, holding on to his knees and crying slightly.. Whispering something to himself..

I decide to see if he's ok.. I jump out of the tree and let my energy flow..

He looked up, quickly wipes his tears and stands up..

"Are you.. Ok?" I asked

"W-what do you mean?" He stuttered

"Your a very bad liar.. You can't hide things very well either.. Tell me the truth.." I said sternly

"Why should I? You never opened up to me, you wouldn't dare to answer simple questions, you avoided me entirely!" He responded

I gasp, its true but.. I wasn't expecting a response like that..

"Well.. That may be true but.. Do you really want Yashido Nene knowing?" I threatened

"N-no... Ok.. I'll tell you, just swear you won't tell anyone understood?" He said

"Mhm.." I said

"W-well.. There was someone by the name of Y-y/n L/n.." He started

I froze.. He was probably angry, but I had to keep up my act..

"She and I.. Were amazing friends.. But we got into a huge fight.. And she ended up committing suicide.." He said tearfully, "I have waited and waited for her.. Even going as far as making a wish.. But nothing helps, I have a feeling I'll never see her again.."

"I-I.. I'm sorry.." I said, that was all I could say.. I was shocked to hear that was how he felt about me..

"This.. This was our happy place.." He added

I wanted to tell him, but something was telling me to wait.. He couldn't know.. He couldn't know that I was Y/n L/n.. Not yet..

Publishing this late at night at a sleepover, hoped you enjoyed! Not much to say, but I will see you next chapter!

 -𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕- Hanako x ghost reader (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now