Chapter 2

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//3rd person pov//

You , and Kenny were looking over your schedules. "Ok so we have science , than math , than social studies , then gym , than reading/writing , and finally I have art , and you have band." Y/n said. "Cool." Was all Kenny had to say to that. They started walking down the hallway looking for room 820. After finding it they walked inside. Everyone in the class was staring at them. "Oh you must be the new kids Y/n , and Penny!" Mrs.Truemen said. "It's Kenny." Y/n said. "Excuse me?" Mrs.Truemen said in a confused , and slightly shocked way. While taking two steps forward Y/n said. "I said his names Kenny." She hissed back. "Oh my bad." Mrs. Truemen said. "Well sit wherever you like." Said Mrs. Truemen.

//Y/n pov//

She was already irritating me , and I hadn't been here an hour. She said sit wherever we want so we did. Me , and Kenny walked to the back of the classroom far away from any other person... well more like I did Kenny just followed me. Kids were looking at us like we were freaks , or something. Until the teacher got everyone back on the lesson. I was tense Kenny could see this a mile away. "You good?" He asked. "Yeah fine." I said. I flat out lied I wasn't ok. I wasn't even close to ok. I don't even know why I just wasn't. I wasn't really paying much attention but I'm pretty sure were talking about the solar system. The reason I wasn't paying much attention was because I already knew alot of the stuff she was teaching us. 'God I can't wait for class to be over already.' Was all I could think about. Then finally the bell rang. I dashed out of that classroom as fast as I could. Kenny close behind me. "Class is finally over!" I said exhaustedly. "Yeah but now we have math." Kenny reminded me. Ugh. I grouned. Me , and Kenny walked to math class. On our way there we had to go through hords of people. My anxiety was going up by the minute.

//Time skip because I wanna get to the good stuff.//

//3rd person pov//

You , and Kenny were at gym class. You just walked out of the girls changing room. Everyone else was already out because you didn't like changing in front of others. You also didn't want anyone to see the bruses your dad left behind when he would hit , kick you , ect. You get it. When you walked out the first thing you saw was Kenny talking with a girl. You smirked at the sight. Your best friend was talking to a girl other than you. You started walking over to them. The only reason you had gym close, and Kenny did not was because they had extras. The girl walked away before you could get to them. You could see Kenny's eyes still on the girl. "So." You started while putting your hand on his shoulder causing him to turn around. "Who was that?" You continued. "I'm actually not sure."

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