
~<Zombie's pov>~

I was walking around this scary game house. Wow, everything is so nice and quiet now. Finally, some peace and quiet. 'My ears are still in pain by all the girls screams...'  I look around the area and see.... "AH!" "AHH!" "HAHAHAHAHA!! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!!" ".....Spider?" 'Omg, SHE SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!' She was laughing so hard because I got scared. "Ok ok, can you stop laughing now.... You scared me!" "Hehehe, sorry it just your screams are just so funny!!"

We heard some creaking noises from a distances. "Hey guys-" "AH!"


Well..... This is an awkward position..... "Wth are you doing??" Blaze asked us. I was carrying Spider in my arms while we hugged each other like a scared couple. 'This is so embarrassing' I thought to myself. Spider quickly got off from my hold and I started backing away from her. "You guys looked like a scared couple!" Me and Spider flinch at Ghast words.... "I-its not what you think!!" We both shouted with flushed faces!

"Yea yea, we know! Don't need to get so worked up." Blaze rolled her eyes while Ghast just looked somewhere else. 'God.... Why did this have to happen?'














~[WS's pov]~

I was able to be free from the girls holds on me. I felt so uncomfortable. Being famous is hard. 'He really did say he went to the same school as me....' As I was thinking about him, I heard a familiar voice nearby. "Hello?" It was that boy that I met at the park and at school. "Hello." I answered back. I can tell that the person flinched, they didn't expect for someone to answer back.

As I was walking towards this familiar voice, I saw how he looked. His hair look so fluffy and white just like the snow, his eyes were a red rose color(A/n: I'm going to describe Skeleton of the picture!), his skin was so white just like his hair but was a little dark, and his waist looked perfect, like it wanted me to hold it.

"Oh! Your Mr. WS, right?" he asked me. 'Oh god, is he one of my fans?' I just nod and wait for him to just start hugging me. "Oh!" 'Huh?' I open my eyes because I can feel something warm on my face. He was putting his hands on my face? What was he doing? "You looked so uncomfortable when the girls were holding onto you..."

I was surprised. I thought he was different when I met him at the park, then I changed my min when he said if I was Mr. WS, then my mid changed again because he was different then everyone. My head is starting to hurt... Wait...hurt? But I'm a smart student... I never had a headache... Interesting....













~[Skelly's pov]~

I was carefully touching his checks. He looked quite uncomfortable. I kind a guess because of those girls that cling to him. I kind a feel sad for him.... "Hey, how about we work together and tried to get out of this place?" I asked him. He looks at me with a surprised expression, yup, he was very uncomfortable when girls starts to sling onto him. "Why?" He said tilting his head. 'CUTE!!'

"Well.... I mean this is a scary game and I can tell your not scared and I don't want to be with someone who can get scared easily..." I look at him and he nods his head. I was so happy, but please, who wouldn't? "Ok! Lets go this way!" I point to a random direction. "Ok, lets go."

We start to walk to the random direction I pointed. 'I wonder if my friends are looking for me?'






Mean while

"WHERE IS SKELLY!?"<-Skelly's friends



Its now 1519 words because of this author note!

Wither Skeleton x Skeletonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें