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(Tis will be a bigggggg time skip so i'll explain what happens here, As you know Fundy ran away right? Dream looks for him but eventually gives up, Timeskip a bit of years andd fundys gettin married to the so and so person, But guess who it is! dream) 


As i watch fundy run away, My heart pounded faster than the speed of light. I quickly stood up to chase him, With all the eyes on me i ran in the direction of him, but i had lost him. This couldn't be.. We were meant to be, Weren't we?  We were truly destined, But now hes gone.. A small tear slipped down my cheek as i grief loss of him, Both concerned and sad i stood with defeat. My heart torn in two. 


Years later:

Dreams POV:

I sit in my lime bed, wearing my white t-shirt and shorts. I loom over my phone to see the time

"11:59 PM"

A singular minute before i turn eighteen, Before i marry whatever bride or groom my dad bought from some rando who offered a sum of money. I get out of my bed and illuminate the room by turning on the lamp until. *Bzzzt bzzt!* My phone buzzed,

Father figure:

:Happy birthday child. For your 18th birthday, You will marry the.. Prince of our enemy nation, To amend our broken truce. Floris soot will be your new husband, Act correct with him. Futures in your heart...




I haven't left the fandom but i'm more into stranger things now, Should i discontinue? Would you guys stay if i didn't post for a while? i've had a bit of a hiatus but i'm back and will be trying to post regularly.

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