~ another day... ~

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Espresso already hid latte's body, and It was morning, espresso was reading his book, and Madeleine was outside making sure that the kingdom was alright, then he noticed something off, he couldn't find latte anywhere.
" That's weird, where latte?... No matter, she's probably planning to stay inside. "
But Madeleine was wrong... he went to espresso's house, he knocked at the door.
" Espresso!! Can I come in? "
Espresso heard him but he didn't want to open the door since he still can't forget about what happened to latte.
" Not now Madeleine... I'm busy.. "
Espresso says in a shaky voice, Madeleine was still outside his door, then Madeleine opened the door, and went inside.
" Espresso? What's wrong? "
" O-oh uhm, nothings wrong... Just another failure.. "
" Are you sure? "
Madeleine asked espresso, then he hugged espresso tightly.
" Yeah, I am sure... "
Espresso's voice is still shaking, Madeleine was unsure, he asks again, then espresso shouted.
" I SAID IM SURE...! "
" ... "
" O-oh... I'm sorry for shouting.. "
Madeleine stayed quiet, then he left without saying a word, espresso looked down at his floor, then he looked out the window and, saw that it was night time, he knew what was gonna happen, the unknown curse then risen in his body, his vision went blurry again...
" .... "
Everything went silent, the unknown curse that was controlling espresso's body went where eclair was..
" Oh hello espresso, what do you need? "
Espresso's body didn't answer, his body then grabbed the glass vase that was on eclair's desk, then he hit eclair with the glass vase really hard as the glass vase shatters on eclair's head, blood was going down eclair's head, espresso's body hit eclair again and again with the glass vase untill eclair was on the floor, dead, the unknown curse then let espresso in his body.
" Eclair.... "
Espresso picks up eclair's body, and hides it in the private room.
" I guess it was fun being with you, eclair... Cookie. "

"Unknown Curse..?" { CRK AU }Where stories live. Discover now