Chapter 1 - Where it All Started

Start from the beginning

Marina exclaimed eagerly as she stood up and went behind Kenta.

"A-Aunt M-Marina, what are you-"

Kenta said as he was questioning why Marina was so enthusiastic.

"We can't be late anymore, Kenta-chan, the doctor has been telling me that you've been skipping out on those training sessions."

Marina scolded as she looked mad and even the deaf Arata could tell, turning around would be the end of him.


Kenta tried to retort but was brought to the bathroom instead by Marina as she helped him get ready for his training.

After an hour, Arata was at CiRCLE making sure everything was going smoothly. After a few minutes of checking inventory, a girl with brown hair and cat ears walked in with a group.


Kasumi called out as she waved, signaling a high five from Arata, to which he happily obliged to do so.

"Marina-san isn't here?"

Saaya asked.

"No, she accompanied my cousin to the hospital for his rehab training, she'll be back by this afternoon."

Arata plainly explained as another group of five girls walked in.

"Oh, welcome."

Arata said as the five girls smiled.

"Good morning, Arata-san."

The girl with silver hair said with a small smile on her face.

"Yukina-san, good morning, studio 3 is ready for you-"

Arata said, but was cut off with Marina suddenly barging into CiRCLE.

"Arata...! It happened again...!"

Marina exclaimed.

"Huh? Marina-san, what happened again?"

Kasumi asked.

"Kenta...Kenta ran away again...!"

Marina said while panting.


Arata said as he facepalmed and took off his apron.

"Mom, let's switch, I'll look for Kenta-nii, I might know where he is..."

Arata said as he walked towards Marina.

"Wait, why would y-"

Marina said, but wasn't able to finish her sentence as Arata already left.

"Geez...those two sure are close, but how does Arata know where Kenta-kun goes whenever he runs away..."

Marina said as she just sighed and went to work.

After an hour, Arata found Kenta at a park where he was looking at the beautiful scenery, he was stroking his brush on a canvas while he looked happy.

"Kenta-nii, don't just run off on your own."

Arata teased.

Upon turning around, Kenta looked at his cousin, Arata's gray hair was swaying as the wind blew a gentle breeze, his green eyes locked with Kenta's somewhat dull and somewhat pink-red eyes, a small smile formed on his face as he put his brush down.

"So that's's a nice view."

Arata said as he looked at the view that Kenta was painting.

"It really is...I'm guessing Aunt Marina is worried about me?"

Kenta asked as he turned back to his canvas, continuing to paint his landscape.

"Shouldn't you be helping Aunt Marina?"

Kenta teased.

"Then don't make things hard for her, you suddenly left you know."

Arata scolded.

"Haha, apologies, but this view...I wonder if they would have wanted to see it someday..."

Kenta asked as he applied the finishing stroke on his painting.

"I'm sure they would have loved to see it, you can show it to mom later."

Arata said as he placed the wet canvas in his canvas case and locked it tight.

"Alright, come on, I need to apologize to Aunt Marina."

Kenta said as he pushed himself as Arata followed.

A few minutes after they finished one of Kenta's little escapade, Marina was quickly scolding Kenta for disappearing on her again.

" least tell me when you're going to leave next time..."

Marina pleaded.

"Yes, yes, once again, sorry for causing you trouble."

With an apologetic smile, Kenta simply begged for his aunt's forgiveness as she just sighed.

"So, did you finish the painting you've been working on?"

Marina asked.

Kenta nodded as he showed Marina a beautiful painting of a park, there were children playing, people on the benches, and even the small details like a bird on the fountain was drawn and painted in perfectly. Not only that, but the sky wasn't completely sunny, it was a combination of the sky in the day, and the sky in the night, and the sun and moon were completely parallel to each other, the sun being on the left, and the moon being on the right, with the sun giving a radiant glow just like the moon's, and the moon having a burning aura around it, just like the sun.

"I call it, "HiYo", I've been going to that park every single day, and every single night, all in order to get this painting right."

Kenta said as he gave a small smile.

"That's nice, so, what's your next project going to be?"

Marina asked.

"Don't know yet, but, hopefully, something good will pop up."

Kenta replied.

Shortly after, Yukina and the rest of Roselia walked out as they were going to the cafe after their rehersals.

"Ah, Roselia-san, finished with practice?"

Marina asked.


Yukina replied with a small smile.


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