xi. the slap of reality

Start from the beginning

Aliana was right, she did kill herself-her old self.

What monster did she become?

She took a glance at Jareth and Tewkesbury, seeing the panic and pain in their eyes. How had she not noticed they were hurting too? She practically dragged them into this.

"Huh, you're right. Maybe you are the Princess," Tabitha flew closer to her face, a sinister smile resting on her lips, "that gives me much more pleasure if I have your head."

"You can behead me, if you wish. You can sacrifice me to the demons, if that's what you want. But let them go...please...they did nothing wrong. I'm the one who forced them to steal your pixie dusts." Kate pleaded, her eyes starting to water. After the Pevensies left, she doubted them, she doubted herself, she doubted Aslan. It is only fair that she dies and not them.

Maybe she isn't even worthy to take a glimpse of Aslan's Country.

"A soft spot, how lovely. Usually I'd rather kill my enemy's loved ones, because that's what makes everything much more interesting to watch. But maybe I'll let it slide this time, because I am such a merciful Queen," Tabitha exhaled heavily, "Oh and by the way, you're not only a brat. You're awfully pathetic and too useless to be a royal. I feel so bad for King Caspian."

And she was slapped by the truth again.

For what she thought was the last time, Kate glanced at Jareth and Tewkesbury. The two boys stared back at her, but her focus was only really on a certain Lord who stuck with her day and night, who made her burn in anger and flustered by his shameful flirting. A single tear fell of Tewkesbury's eye, as if he knew what she was feeling.

He always knows.

"Thank you," Kate whispered in a hoarse voice before she was brought to the altar. Since she was a giant compared to the fairies, it took about twenty of them to control her. They made her kneel and look up, it was only when she felt something sharp on her neck.

Kate still hears the sounds of protest coming from the boys she had befriended the past few days. She heard Aliana's disappointed voice. She heard Aslan's enraged roar. She heard Caspian's cries every night when he misses Susan. She had heard it all until all she felt was numbness.

But nothing came.

Instead, she heard a shriek full of fear.

"Intruder! Queen Tabitha, he's destroying the village!"

Tabitha wiped her head to the side and cursed. She pulled the rope back, causing the huge blade placed on the Princess' neck to fall back. "Jareth! Do you have another annoying friend I should know about?!"

Jareth, who looked genuinely confused, shook his head and shrugged. Tabitha cursed again and stated her orders, "Tie the prisoner once again, I don't have time for this. Tinkerbell, you guard them, I trust you with this simple task. The two Jeffs will guard them from the outside to make sure no one escapes. I am far from done. The rest, follow me, we shall defend our village."

A girl who looked younger than the Queen, with a messy blonde bun, green leafy dress, and bright blue eyes stepped up from the panicking crowd, curtsying as everyone left except for them. Once she was sure everyone was gone, Tinkerbell immediately flew to Kate, untying the ropes on her hands then strided to the boys.

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