failed rescue mission

Start from the beginning

"what an ingenious way to disguise the Zumpango Diamond. Hiding it in plain sight."

"You got to be kidding me!" Wolf gasped, impressed but also a little embarrassed he hadn't recognized the diamond himself.

"What I'm sentimental" Diane shrugged.

"You always did have panache," Thomas told her.
"And yet: You still fell right into my trap."

"Where's princess" wolf demanded.

"Oh she's safe for now" Thomas grinned.

"Why are you doing this, You've got everything!"

"Yeah," Wolf added. "You're the riches cat alive, why do you need all that money"?

Thomas shrugged. "You see, I never cared about what's princess-" wolf rolled his eyes in a annoyance.

"Yeah that we already know of"

"Only what's good for me" Thomas continued.

"But she's your daughter what about all that talk about putting family first was all that just a lie" Diane asked.

"Do you think I care about what happens to princess, she has been a burden on o every since she was born, do you know what it's like living with her, she's so needed, no not anymore and after I steal all the money I'll take it to my jumbo plane and pled the city, I'll put the blame on you-" he points at wolf.

"Just like I did at the gala and then I'll get rid of princess once and for all, and once she's gone you will never ever see her again" Thomas laughs like a villain as wolf started to feel threatened.

"But wait how did you even know we'd be here?" Wolf asked.

"Oh, we'll I figured you try to come back for princess" Thomas said with a smile.

"But let's face it-." He smirked at Wolf.

"You were never going to save her, not after I show this video of crimson paw breaking you guys out of prison, once you're out of the way...again, there's no story the greatest heist of the century." Thomas spat.

"Ok look do what you want with me but please just don't hurt princess"

Thomas walks up to him and pats wolf's cheeks.

"Oh wow, you really have gone soft for her haven't you" Thomas chuckles then he glares.

"But no you both are going Pay for what you did to me"  He gestured to the mind-control remote, "and with this remote, I will be able to get princess to control my army and I'll be pulling off the greatest heist this world has ever known, and there is nothing you or the crimson paw or the cops can do to stop, And after that I pull off the heist, princess is dead"

"NO" wolf yelled in fear.

"YES!!!" Thomas laughs hysterical then approached wolf one last time.

"No you know what it feels like to have something special taken away from you" Thomas whispered.

He then leaves their prisoners so they could finish carrying out he could get ready to continue his evil scheme.

"See ya, Wolfie!"

He then gestured to his Guinea pigs henchmen.

"finish them!"

As soon as the door closed behind him
They both looked down to see one muscular giant Guinea pig pulled a lever and the ground under Wolf and Diane opened up and revealing a pit full of razor-sharp blades.

The other pressed a button, and the blades started spinning at the same time Wolf and Diane began to slowly drop down toward the grinding machine.

Diane glanced over at a pair of vents, which were now emitting a deadly looking green gas into the room.

"Poison gas!" she warned Wolf. "Don't breathe it in!"

Wolf then paused as he got a deeper whiff of the air.

"Wait a second ... that's not poison gas!"

Then the two Guinea pigs collapsed on the floor.

"Sorry !" Piranha shrieked as he, Shark, and Webs burst out of one of the vents on the wall.

"Surprised" piranha screamed.

"What?!" Wolf said, both shocked and thrilled to see his buddies. "No way! I've never been happier to smell you guys!"

"Come on, Wolfie," Webs said.

"Did you really think we were going to let you save princess all by yourself!" said Shark.

"You're not the only one who cares about her too and loves her!" Piranha added.

Wolf grin, "Uh" Diane broke into their warm fuzzy moment as she and Wolf drew close enough to the blades that they felt the fur on the tops of their heads being clipped.

"This is super moving but can we do this later

"Oh yeah," Shark said, all business, "Right!"

At the last possible second. Webs hit the button to stop the blades from spinning. Moments later, Diane and Wolf fell ro solid ground, and Wolf rushed over to hug his friends.

"Am I happy to see you guys!" But then he looks around to see snake but saw that snake was nowhere to be found.

"Hey where's snake" wolf asked.

"He went to go save princess" shark pointed out, wolf smiled knowing that snake still cared about princess, he added, "Now, it's time to huff and puff let's blow this little piggie's heist down!

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