"Nothings wrong, I was just stressed with work last night. I promise,"

"Did you sleep on the couch last night?" You asked and turned around to stare him in the eye.


"That means you didn't sleep at all...what's really wrong Eren?"

"Nothing is wrong. I'm great," he forcefully smiled slightly, trying to assure you but you knew him better than that.

"Fine. If you say nothing's wrong, then I won't ask again." You shrugged and stared him dead in the eye before walking around him to go eat your orange sitting on the napkin.

"I have a feeling I'm going to get in trouble for that later but can I take you out?" He asked and leaned over the counter across from you as you picked off sections of your orange to eat.

"Take me out where?"

"On a date. A proper one." He suggested and you just sat there and stared at your orange.

"Do you know how weird it is sleeping next to nothing but still being able to feel your presence?" You asked and looked at him.

"I promise I'll sleep next to you tonight. Can you answer my question though?"

You ignored him for a moment and pulled out your phone, you ate the pulled orange in the little sections in one hand and the other you used to scroll on your feed on your phone. Then you came across something particularly interesting. Eren's name in current news, listed under some sort of investment and digital money website.



"What do you do?" you turned your phone over, you wanted to know what his front or his cover really was.

You knew he was rich but never knew how or why he was rich in the first place.

"Oh. The money laundering through video games is part of it, the legal part of it is I own two tech companies and then my own is one also. I'm listed on there because I made my first million dollars by investing in what's now my own stock. So I bought a share of a company that didn't exist yet and from there all my money has tripled since then," he answered calmly and you both stared at each other.


He sighed and you could tell he was trying not to get frustrated with you for ignoring and avoiding his question, so instead, he came up next to you and gently took your phone out of your hand.


"Eren." You mocked and looked at your phone in his hand.

"Will you allow me to take you out?" He asked, closer to your face and standing up next to you.

"Okay," you said and got out of your seat.


Some people liked it, others hated it. The entire car ride was dead silent, honestly, you weren't even that upset but seeing Eren keep trying to make conversation with you throughout the car ride was kind of funny to you.m

Though you were fronting like you were more upset than the reality, you still wore a simple dress for the date and he hesitated on putting his hand on your thigh in the car. You didn't know if he was remaining quiet to prevent pushing you off any further or if the entire car ride he was trying to figure out what to say to you.

He stopped outside of a park, a really nice park actually. It was very modern, not a flower or tree out of its "place", you stared out the front window and then got out of the car after Eren did. You walked up onto the sidewalk and the amount of silence from the both of you made things extremely awkward.

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