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JULY 31ST 1980


A lone cloaked figure is walking through the night. Rain pours down on their head soaking them, but instead of walking quicker the figure slows their step before stopping completely.

" I should have known you'd be here Dora" the figure spoke, not taking their eyes of a dark figure that emerged from in-between two houses.

"And I should have expected you to be here as well Black" a frail woman says, stepping out of the shadows. Only then does the man notice the small bundle that the woman was trying to conceal in the darkness.

In a matter of seconds a small smile replaces the frown on the man's face, only to be replaced by a pained expression a couple of seconds later. "Why did you bring her Dora? I told you to leave her with Barty. You know the risk, Pandora. You were the one that warned me in the first place. I didn't make you godmother of my child for no reason." the young aristocrat exclaimed.

"I know Reggi, but that's exactly why I am here. You very well know that there is a good chance we won't make it back. And I also know that if you die, that you are going to regret not saying goodbye. I will bring her to Barty after you said your goodbyes to your daughter." The blond woman lectured.

And goodbye he said, not knowing that this would be his last day on earth. The last time he got to hold his daughter. The last time he got to tell her he loved her.

JULY 31ST 1980

Bartemius Crouch slowly made his way through the dark night. A small girl wrapped in a green blanket cradled in his arms. He knew this was most likely the stupidest thing he had ever done. But he didn't really have any other option.

His friends were dead.

And the dark lord was after them. After the last Black heir. It was only a matter of time before he would find her. And he needed to keep her safe.

Slowly coming to a stop in front a small cottage a toke a deep breath. This was it. This was the moment he had been dreading.

Bending down he slowly laid down the now sleeping baby. He carefully adjusted the blanket, making sure the child was completely warm.

"I'm so sorry my sweet angel," he whispered, "If I could keep you with me I would. Your Father loves you so very much, and If he could raise I know he would ". He slowly pressed a soft kiss on her forehead before standing up and turning his back away from the house.

"Good luck, Azraela Talaia Black".


Lilly and James Potter had expected the day to as normal as any other day, or at least somewhat normal as they were currently fighting in a war.

What they didn't expect that day was to find a small infant on their doorstep.

But with a little convincing from James, the Potters decided to Adopt the small child. And that was the day the small family of two became a family of three.

Sirius Orion Black was quickly named Godfather, and Marlene Sophie McKinnon named Godmother.

The small girl was showered in love from everyone, her parents, her Godparents and her honerary uncles. But nothing lasts for long in war.

Coming Soon

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