Chapter 1 - In trouble

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"You can't do that. Let this be over first. He's not going to run."

"We have a warrant."

"He's on a stage. 20000 people in the hall. If you take him down there, you're going to cause mass panic."

I walk up to the police officers standing on the sidelines talking.

"Can I help?"

"Who are you?"

"Mia Perkin. I'm the chief bodyguard."

"You're a woman."

I have to control myself not to sneer. That doesn't look good to the police. So I bite my tongue and just nod.

"We have a warrant for Jordan Knight's arrest. Can you bring him to us, please?"

Shock goes straight to my bones. Warrant? Against Jordan?

"We can't do that now. He's giving a concert. Please wait, there are only four songs left. If you want, I'll be happy to bring you something to drink." I would like to shout at the officials and scare them away, but I know from my own experience that calmness and friendliness go a long way.

"We're on the clock."

"Of course. I was a policewoman myself. I was thinking of coffee."

"You were a police officer?"

"Yes, but it's been a while. Now I'm the boss here."

"Are you armed?" The officer looks at me from narrowed eyes.

"No. Although I have the authorization. Why don't you come in the back, we irritate the fans." I direct the officers to the backstage area. "You can sit here and wait until the concert is over." I point to a large sofa.

"Thank you, we'll stay standing." One of the officers crosses his arms and stays next to the door, facing the hallway. His colleague, on the other hand, looks disappointed. He probably would have liked to sit down.

"May I ask what Mr. Knight is charged with?" I can't suppress my curiosity. And for the life of me, I can't imagine what he's supposed to have done.

"We'll tell him personally."

It's bubbling inside me and I know that's the baby kicking me lightly. Probably just like me, it's upset that its daddy is going to be arrested. I stroke my still very small belly ball reassuringly. I'm 4 months pregnant. The last pregnancy unfortunately ended in a miscarriage. Jordan was deeply sad and so was I. After losing my son Tim when he was 8 years old and then Jordan's baby, I had given up all hope of becoming a mother again. I am no longer the youngest. But God had another plan and so I hover between happiness and fear for this baby under my heart.

Jordan doesn't know yet, but I plan to tell him soon. The critical first 3 months are over and next week is Jordan's birthday. Hopefully he will be happy to see the ultrasound picture.


The concert is over and I hear a group of people coming down the hall. A few female voices are among the chatter and alarm bells shrill in me. Fans! It occasionally happens that the guys take a few fans with them to the back after the concert, this is especially true for Danny, who is hoping for a little fun. I dash for the door.

"Stop! No one is allowed in here!" I manage to stand as wide as possible in front of the police officer, who also wants to get into the hallway. His colleague is standing behind him.

"Ms. Perkin, let us pass, please."

"Just a moment, please. There are fans."

"We can't take that into consideration."

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