"that girl"

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Cedric's pov

It was one month in the new school year and our team just won the first quidditch game, I didn't mind Harry but it was nice winning against him.

Me, Justin and Sebastian walked into the great hall and had lunch, during lunch people congratulated us. I love quidditch.

"I haven't had a good fuck in so long." Justin whined as we walked back to the common room.

"Oh you poor thing." Sebastian's cooed sarcastically.

"Shut up not everyone has a girlfriend."

"Not everyone is a player." I chuckled.

"Like you're better Diggory, you have a new girl in your bed every week." Justin said.

"At least I have sex, and I could be in a relationship unlike you." I defended.

"You really think every girl would fuck you?"

"Yeah." I shrugged. They would.

"You wanna bet?"


"Okay I'm gonna pick a girl and your job is to get her to let you fuck her."

"Fine. How long til the bet ends?"

"To New Years."

"New Years? That's like four months away, I think that's a bit much time but you decide."

"Trust me, I'm not gonna go easy."

"Well after I've fucked her, what do I win?"

"If you win you'll get my spot as quidditch captain and if you lose your just gonna have to live with the fact that the nerdiest girl ever ditched you."

"Deal." I said as we shook hands.


I got cut of when a girl bumped in to me me causing her book to fall, I bent down and picked it up and when I looked up we made eye contact. Fuck. She's so beautiful. Is she new? Why haven't I seen her around?

She blinked and then looked away.

"Here." I said as I gave her her book.

"Thanks." She said and then quickly walked away.

I looked at her walking away for a while.

"Dude I think you're drooling." Sebastian joked.

"Shut up."

"Cedric I've found the perfect girl for the bet."

"Who?" I asked uninterested.

"That girl."

My eyes slightly lit up. This was my chance to get to know her.


"Great. Oh and just so you know, you might want to get her to fall in love with you too. She's not the type of girl to just fuck, there has to be feelings."

A/N: first chapter, what do you think?

the bet, cedric diggoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang