"Veronica you frighten the poor boy. He came early morning to help with my court case. It's always helpful to have another perspective on things," Taehyung smiled, and then grabbed his coat. "I'll see you later," He said, kissed her cheek, and walked out of the house. 

Jeongguk put his shoes on and grabbed his coat as well. He saw Veronica giving him a calculating look, and put his coat on hurriedly to rush out of the house. 

Jeongguk saw Taehyung walking to get his car, and hummed. "I'll see you later." Jeongguk voiced, and Taehyung spared him a nod. Jeongguk beamed at that and turned around to walk back home. 

Jeongguk reached his small flat and opened the door with a heavy heart. It didn't feel good, it didn't feel right. He felt... wrong. No man should do this his wife. Jeongguk walked in and saw the dull living room, and then found it empty. 

"Rosie?" Jeongguk called out, but she wasn't at home. Jeongguk frowned. He took his coat off, walking around the house. "Rosie?" Jeongguk called again, but then found she wasn't at home. Where could she be? She rarely ever left... 

Jeongguk sighed and walked around the house, feeling idle. He'd done all his work for school, and he didn't feel like doing anything else today. Jeongguk didn't have a telly either, so there wasn't anything to watch. He'd read all the books in their house. It was too cold to walk outside. 

Jeongguk walked over to his radio and turned it on. The sound of Elvis filled his ears, and Jeongguk hummed magically, taking a little spin. He felt a little intoxicated, maybe. He didn't know what it was he wanted. 

But in fact, he did. He wanted to be completely naked, walking around the house and listening to Elvis and drinking cheap wine even though it was 9 am in the morning. He wanted to be untamed, felt this uncultivated intensity pulsing through his body since last night. He felt overly spontaneous. 

He wanted Taehyung. Wanted Taehyung wrapping him in his arms and thrusting into him softly as perfectly as he did the night before. Taehyung felt like a liquor dancing on his tongue, taking control of each one of his senses and giving him some sort of enlightenment. Jeongguk wanted that; wanted that touch, that feel, that- 

But of course, Jeongguk did none of that. He sat on the couch and reread an old book, finding what used to be thrilling rather boring now. Everything felt dreary after meeting Kim Taehyung. Everything except him. 

Taehyung was magnificent. Like a divine human from another realm altogether. He was so different from anyone Jeongguk had ever met. Jeongguk would read ten books if they were about Kim Taehyung. 

Jeongguk spent the next hour reading, and then whined to himself and rolled off the bed. He walked to the radio, changing the stations. He heard some trumpet music and then gasped. He knew this song. It was Marilyn Monroe- everyone knew this song. 

Jeongguk began singing and then took a little twirl in his living room, feeling his hair jump up with him. "The French are glad to die for love, they delight in fighting duels~" Jeongguk sang, feeling almost a peculiar mirth from the pain in his lower back. 

"But I prefer a man who lives and gives expensive jewels~" Jeongguk sang, and then giggled and skipped into his kitchen. He opened the cabinet above the stove and took out tea bags. 

"A kiss on the hand may be quite continental-" Jeongguk continued and then moved to grab a teacup. "But diamonds are a girl's best friend~" Jeongguk sang ecstatically, and then turned around with a giggle, and froze. 

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