Chapter 73

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Malachi had to enter through one of the upper windows since the entrances were blocked. He could feel the floor shudder and the glass panes vibrated from the violence below. Moving silently, he heard a single set of footsteps followed several sets of footsteps in the hall running. He decided to wait to make sure that the coast was clear.

"Malachi!" he heard his Progenitor, Hezekiah Mallory, call through their link.

Tensing at the idea that his maker might be in danger he asked, "Where are you?"

"Underground but that doesn't matter. Head up to the roof. Josh is on his way up there to destroy the crystals and satellites. I hope it's not too late since this portal has already been open."

"Going now." Malachi replied.

Figuring that the first set of footsteps that he had heard was probably Josh. It was reasonable to assume that he had picked up a tail. Cracking his neck with a smile, he wrenched open the door and let his true vampire form emerge.


After being summoned back to Rogue Lands, Luke was told to join Dameon in La Rosse instead. He had only just arrived in the city limits when he saw a convoy heading in the direction of the manor he was heading to. The trucks forced him off the road. He continued to follow at a distance before turning off at an abandon house far from everything. Leaving the vehicle behind the dilapidated shed behind the house. He jogged the last mile and a half to the Ravencroft property.

Shifting into his cat form, he snuck past the guards and ran to the edge of the tree line before climbing up a tall tree to watch the activity below. As night fell, fancy limos began to arrive. He recognized Gideon and his parents from his stay at Cub Creek. Jonathan and Tracy were also there. Luke waited a while longer before he saw Dameon step from a limo before offering a hand to woman with dark hair he knew from his video chats was Eesha, the vampire rogue who was now queen. He was curious about her and her movements were gracefully almost mesmerizing like a ballerina on a stage.

Shaking himself from his thoughts he watched the last of the main guests arrive. The sound of heavy truck doors slamming shut drew his attention. Curious, he leaped from branch to branch and tree to tree. The vehicles were parked behind a large stable. The horses neighed nervously. A group of men kneeled on the ground in chains. A woman with light blonde hair that at first, he thought was white, walked over the men. Raised her hands, hold an object in her right as her body glowed slightly.

She's a witch, he thought.

The men stood all at once, a good number of them Luke recognized. They were all rogues. Their gaze was blank and their faces void of all emotions. Other men walked up to them and began removing the cuffs and chains as the witch give the object in her hand to a man dressed in a trench coat and hat. The man walked away and headed to the side of the house.

From the woods more men with guns emerged. The large group they surrounded had collars around their necks and Luke could tell they were vampires. The witch was once again speaking he was too far to hear. Another man dressed in full black went to stand by her side.

The groups began breaking up and the man and the woman walked towards Luke's hiding place.

Oh, fuck no! he screamed internally as the couple began making out then having sex against the tree he was perched in. "Fucking WHY???" he thought.

Fortunately, it didn't last long, causing his inner cat to chuckle.

"I've been dehydrated and pissed longer than that." His cat mocked.

Luke rolled his eyes.

After the couple left, Luke figured that it was safe to leave the leave tree. Climbing down he stuck to the shadows while watching as the zombified group of werewolf and vampire rogues attacked the guards in front of the mansion. Rushing past everyone by leaping on the backs and heads of the fight men, he went into the ballroom and jumped on a wolf that was about to take a bite into Dameon's neck. They fought side by side as the attackers kept coming.

"Been gone for months and this is the shit show I'm treated too?" Luke asked as he snapped the neck of yet another vampire.

Dameon snorted at his Beta. "You were getting fat and lazy. Almost didn't recognize you in the last video chat. You're starting to look like Wilber the Whale."

"Fuck you. I ain't fat." He said poking at his hard abs before turning his attention to taking on two rogue wolves. Knocking one back, Luke used his knife to cut away the charm tied to the wolf's fur. The rogue fell to the ground unconscious. The second wolf latched onto his arm with the knife making him drop the weapon and the beast shook him violently.

Hissing at the wolf, Luke's catlike reflex allowed him spring away out of harm. "Hard way it is." Luke said jumping on the wolf's back and ripping away the charm with a good chunk of fur and flesh.

"We're supposed to be saving them. Not skinning them." Dameon snarked.

"I did save him." Luke said holding up the bloody mess with a charm still attached. "He just decided to be an asshole about it."

"Why did you bring me back?" Luke asked a short time later.

"A discussion for another time." Dameon said before a movement from the entrance caught his attention. "Well looks like we have some illustrious company."

Luke saw Standish in the doorway trying to direct the wolves. He was joined by the men that Dameon had been hunting. "Oh look! He brought friends."

Dameon smiled darkly. "I want you to get them, take them to Rogue Lands immediately, and keep them alive for me. Standish is mine."


Josh couldn't hear anything above the rush of blood in his ears or the thundering beat of his own heart. He was in full panic mode while trying to pull his brain together so he could function. He tried to focus on his mission. Reach the roof and destroy the crystals along with the satellites. A hard shove from behind propelled him through a wall. Groaning, Josh rolled over onto the expensive Persian rug and saw two vampires pushing through the drywall after him. Despite his situation he couldn't help but think that they were stupid because the door was literally right next to the hole.

Looking around, he saw an antique metal candlestick holder in the window. It was surprisingly heavy. Charging at the men while wildly swinging the makeshift weapon, Josh managed to crack one man's skull before the other yanked the candleholder away. The man latched a large hand on Josh's throat and threw him towards the window.

Glass shattered as Josh sailed through but was miraculously able to grab the windowsill. Shards embedded deep into his skin and he cried out in pain. The agony increased exponentially as Josh tried to grab the broken ledge with his other hand only to discover that his arm was dislocated.

The blood made his hold slippery and he cried out as he lost his grip. A hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. Looking up at his savior he was relieved to see a vampire that he recognized. Malachi pulled him in easily. Examining Josh, he whispered, "Relax and don't scream."

Before Josh could ask, Malachi relocated his arm and then covered his mouth to stop the pained sound from emerging. It was sore and at least he could move it.

"Thanks." He muttered.

"Yup." Malachi said walking to the door cocking his head as if he were listening. "Let's go. Hurry!"

Reaching the roof, they quickly busted the crystals and dismantled the satellites. But they were too late to prevent the opening of the portals elsewhere. All they could do now was pray that none of the creatures made it through.


There's only a four more chapters left.

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