Chapter 2 - Revived... Again

Start from the beginning

"A search party found his body at the bottom of a cliff, near the village he was supposed to investigate. They almost missed it, as a fallen tree was over the opening. That's probably why it took so long to find him."

"D-do you have any idea what happened to him?" The Yellow Leader asks.

"From what the search party described, it looks like Sabre was ambushed. It was said he had a stab wound..." the Guards trails off.

"This must be what the Corrected Sun member meant..." the Green Leader says. The Guard continues.

"A group of Guards are recovering his body now... to be buried in the graveyard." He turns away. "I'll... leave you to your meeting now."

As the Guard leaves the room, I look around, still in shock. The Orange, Violet, and Blue Leaders are silently crying. The Green and Indigo Leaders look as if they are still trying to process the new information. The Yellow Leader is gripping his throne, visibly holding back tears. A few minutes of silence pass.

"Maybe... maybe we should end the meeting, for now." I say. "I believe everyone needs some time."

The Leaders nod in agreement, and we leave. Heading back to my quarters, I reflect on what just happened. How are we going to tell the people? What do we do with the Corrected Sun member? Did he do this, like we thought? As I enter my room, something else hits me.

Almost all of my friends are dead. The Orange leader and Happy Orange Steve are the only two I have left from better times.

...I try not to think about it. I sigh, and look towards the window, my hand burying my face. How is everyone going to react to this? Sabre was just fine a few days ago, and the last anyone ever saw of him was when he left on that mission. Did he even make it to the village? Suddenly, a cry sounds through the citadel.



"Sabre! Wake up, silly!"

I'm shaken awake by Rainbow, excitedly bouncing around about something.

"Alright, alright. I'm up." I stretch and look towards the viewing portal. It's now facing a grave, the moon looming above behind the leaves of an oak tree.

"It's nighttime already? Was I out all day?" I ask. Did I really sleep that long? It was early morning when the Guards found my body.

"Two, actually, but that's okay!" Rainbow says with a smile. "We don't really have a sense of time here, or an internal clock, but you're gonna need that energy soon anyway!"

Wait, what?! "I was asleep for two days?! Why didn't you wake me up, man?!" I yell, panicked. Rainbow rolls his eyes.

"Dude, chill. Like I said, you're gonna need that energy soon anyway!" Rainbow bounds over to the viewing portal and points. "Look!"

I peer inside, and look more closely. It's a fresh grave, dirt still overturned in front of the gravestone. I look at the name and information inscribed on it;


Loyal Friend, Ally, and Hero

May He Find Peace in the World Beyond

"World Beyond." I snort, remembering my last death. "Like that's gonna happen now."

"Aw, don't think that way, buddy!" Rainbow says, attempting to cheer me up. "There's gotta be some way to have your place back, and I'll find it!"

"What's my own grave gotta do with anything?" I ask. A mischievous glint fills Rainbow's eyes.

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