Doctor Who The Golden Trio: Two

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Rory walked down the Tardis hall passed the dressing room and the laboratory. He was on his way to the Tardis pool located at the end of this hall behind the changing rooms. Today The Doctor had a special treat planned for his friends that he thought they would enjoy. It is often forgotten that there are more rooms in the Tardis beyond the main console room. In fact the Tardis (being bigger on the inside) contains a large number of halls and rooms within its own very walls. Though mostly The Doctor preferred to stay in the main console room. While Rory thought it would be nice to go exploring once in a while. The Tardis was like a new planet with its very own habitat waiting to be discovered. Though at the moment Rory was just on his way to the changing room. The Doctor had promised Rory and Amy a fun and relaxing day at the Tardis pool. Usually the words fun and relaxing don't go well in the same sentence from The Doctor. So Rory thought it best not to put his guard down for too long. He never knew what The Doctor was planning. With all that set aside Rory fainlay made his way into the Tardis changing room. The room was very large and was filled with lockers to put your clothes in, and showers. Rory wondered why the Tarids had all this, if only three people lived in it right now. He quickly changed his clothing and put on his swimming trousers. He then put on some sunscreen just in case. He didn't want to soak up to many Tardis rays now did he. Rory then proceeded to a large door marked "pool entrance." He opened the door and walked into the pool area. The pool area was inclosed in walls around them. The ceiling was a nice glass like material, and the entire pool was fairly seized. At one end was a large shallow section. While at the other was the deep end. The pool was filled with floating pool toys and an assortment of objects for water recreation. There was a side going into the deep end. And a diving board at that end as well. On the other side of the pool opsite from Rory, there were many long sitting chairs and umbrellas. Amy herself was warming up in one of these chairs. In front of the pool was a bar of some sorts with drinks and lights on it. Rory still wondered where The Doctor obtained this random pool equipment. But before he could ask he felt a large amount of pressure on his back. Then before he knew it, Rory was pushed into the pool! As Rory came back up he could hear a hideous laughter coming from somewhere. That hideous laughter was coming from his wife. When Rory came up he frowned, someone had pushed him into the pool while he had his back turned. He admittedly assumed the culprit without even thinking.

Rory: "Doctor! Must you really be so childish?!"

The Doctor who was at the bar turned around to see Rory,

Doctor: "Say again Rory."

Rory was puzzled, The Doctor was over there the whole time. Rory then remembered and directed his attention to the hideous laughter coming from his wife.

Rory: "I should have known."

Rory rolled his eyes at his wife who was dying of laughter on the side of the pool by him.

Amy: "I really got you! Didn't I?!"

Rory sighed with boredom.

Amy: "It's like back when we were kids, remember?"

Rory: "Yes Amy but were not kids any more now are we?"

Amy: "No, but I ju-"

Before she could finish The Doctor jumped in and cut her off.

Doctor: "Now Ponds let's not argue, today is swin day. Not rethink your marriage day."

Rory frowned and knew that there was no point or correcting The Doctor. Rory was not a Pond, he was a Willeums. The Doctor wore a bathing suit with palm trees, and Daleks on it. The colors were very bright, along with his hulla shirt and had on. He had a straw hat with a feather at the top. Plus to top it all off, a bow tie with yellow and green pock-a-dots on it. The Doctor smiled, Rory never did understand The Doctor's fashion choice. The Doctor held a purple cup with a drink inside. Rory peered down the cup,

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