Over You

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Weather man said it's gonna snow. By now I should be used to the cold. Mid-February shouldn't be so scary.
Captain Olivia Cragen-Stabler cried as the Marines handed her a folded up flag. Her husband was gone, and he would never get to meet their children. Reality crashed around her like a ton of bricks as she leaned into her dad's side.
It was only December. I still remember the presents, the tree, you and me, but you went away. How dare you? I'll miss you. They say I'll be okay, but I'm not going to ever get over you.
Olivia cried bittersweet tears as her twins were finally placed in her arms. "You did it sweetheart. They're stunning."
"Thanks dad, but I still wish Elliot was here to meet them." He leaned down to kiss the heads of his tiny grandchildren. "Honey we all do, but he is watching over you and the babies from above."
Living alone here in this place I think of you, and I'm not afraid. Your favorite records make me feel better 'cause you sing along with every song. I know you didn't mean to give them to me, but you went away. How dare you? I'll miss you. They say I'll be okay but I'm not going to ever get over you.
"Mama, what was daddy like?" Two sets of ice blue eyes stared up at her, eagerly awaiting her answer. "Donald and Eileen, your daddy was a hero. He was one of the strongest, bravest, stubborn and intelligent people I have ever met. Your grandpa used to be our boss, and we used to drive him absolutely crazy."
             "You got that right darling. I would not change a thing though because it gave me you three. I'll take them to school today darling. You have to be in court today."
               They said their goodbyes and parted ways. Olivia thought back to that moment as she prepared to take the stand against William Lewis. After swearing to tell the truth, she sat down, spotting her dad in the audience.
It really sinks in, you know, when I see it in stone 'cause you went away. How dare you?
I'll miss you. They say I'll be okay, but I'm not going to ever get over you,
            "Hey baby. It's been eight years since you left. The kids and I miss you dearly. It hasn't been the same since you left, but dad has been sticking by our sides."
            "And I always will Elliot. You are the son I never had, and I promise to take care of your family as long as I am earthside. I miss you son."
          "Daddy, Donnie and I never got to meet you. Mama and grandpa tell us about you everyday. We promise to make you proud."

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