
Start from the beginning

"What the heck.." Sage whispered. She reached for her phone that she put in her back pocket earlier, opening it to text Peter. She sent him a quick message but it wouldn't go through.

"I can't contact Tony," Pepper said while running back inside.

"I cant get to Peter either"


It had been a little over two years. Two, insanely long, years. The whole world seemed to be quieter. It always would look dull out, like there was a gray rain cloud threatening to pour every day but never did. Sage and Pepper stayed inside the compound, not wanting to leave in case someone was going to come back which they did. Both Natasha and Steve came back to the compound which Sage was very happy about. Although Nat did tend to stay down in the basement. Steve said she was just stressed about Clint, her best friend but Sage knew that there was something else too. Sage walked down the steps to the basement carrying a plate with two brownies on it.

"The things he's been doing for the past few years-"

"Can you find out where he's going next?" Sage craned her neck into the room, Nat was sitting at Tony's old desk eating a peanut butter sandwich and talking to a hologram Rhodey, that faded out shortly after. Skipping over the last step Sage walked towards Nat, who quickly wiped her eyes when she saw Sage.

"Hey Say," Natasha said to her, quickly putting on a smile. Sage frowned, sitting in the chair in front of Nat, and gently threw the plate onto the table.

"Don't give me that, I know something wrong" Nat stared into Sage's pleading ivy green eyes,

"If you're going to tell me, to look on the bright side. Im going to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich" Nat picked up her sandwich from the plate beside her threateningly waving it at Sage before taking a bite. "What are those?" She asked gesturing towards the brownies.

"Chocolate fudge peanut butter brownies. My recipe" Sage smiled, sliding the plate over to the ex-assassin sitting in front of her.

"Did you use my peanut butter?" Natasha asked raising an eyebrow.

"I just used the one in the pantry," Sage said, pointing upstairs. Nat looked down at the plate smiling at them. "I never knew you liked peanut butter this much though, I would have gotten you a giant jar for your birthday with that picture frame"

"Do you remember Yelena?" Sage nodded as she reached over to the picture frame Sage gave her picking it up and passing it towards the blonde. Sage gently took it laughing a bit at what she saw. Natasha was in a white suit, smiling wildly into the camera while Yelena has on this goofy smile with a thumbs up.

(Had to, i love this picture lol)

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(Had to, i love this picture lol)

"Was she snapped too?" Natasha nodded, tears pricking her eyes.

"She loved peanut butter when we were kids. That and Mac & Cheese, though she would always put hot sauce on it" Sage crinkled her nose slightly while smiling,

"That's an interesting combo" Nat lightly chuckled, reaching down to the plate and sinking her teeth into a brownie. Sage followed, they were still warm and she grabbed two corner pieces so they tasted like heaven melting in her mouth. The two talked for a while, laughing at old stories and memories and making fun of each other.

"What! Thats mean" Natasha said,

"Hey, I wasn't the one with the blue hair phase"

"Ok, Fair enough. Y'know i had my hair dyed blue when i was younger too"

"Really?" Nat nodded and the lights began to flicker, the ground shaking. They both got up, quickly running towards the source of the noise. A bright light was shining outside, which was odd since it was dark out. Sage flung open the front to be faced with a giant spaceship and a glowing person beside it. The ship opened up and Tony and a blue robot girl stepped out of it. Tony stepped out smiling examining the world before his eyes met with Sage, his face quickly fell while Steve came over and hugged him. Sage was next standing beside Steve, the second he let go of Tony she hugged him.

"We thought you were gone forever" She breathed, her arms wrapped around him she felt him sigh deeply. Slowly pulling away she looked at Tony, he looked terrible.

"I lost him..I lost Peter"

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐌𝐞Where stories live. Discover now