"My mom just got home from work" Scott says, then he must be listening to whatever his mother is saying, I decide not to tune in since it's not my business. Stiles and I just look at Scott with worry.

"She okay?" Stiles asks worried.

Scott shakes his head.

"What's she doing?" I ask worried now as well.


My heart sinks.

"Scott you can't protect everyone" Stiles says, trying to help his friend.

"I have to" Scott says and I sigh, poor kid.

At school, I quickly sneak into the boys locker room, Stiles, Scott and I needing to speak to Jackson since Scott isn't allowed to go to the dance since he is failing three classes. My white flats make it easy to be quiet, my long blue maxi skirt covering my figure and a white crop top making me look plain and my hair out straight with a white flower crown, I finally find Scott and Stiles waiting for me to talk to Jackson.

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"You want me to take her to the winter formal?" Jackson asks confused.

"I don't want you to I need you" Scott says.

"Screw you" Jackson says to Scott "You know what screw you two" Jackson says pointing to the two boys "In fact all of you screw each other" Jackson says finally including me in his insult and raises his eyebrows at us.

"Hey you know he saved your life right?" I ask standing in between the two boys raising my eyebrow.

"He left me for dead" Jackson says pointing to Scott.

"I got shot for you" Scott says defending himself.

"Oh yeah? Show me the bullet wound" Jackson says, knowing it's healed already.

"No It healed" Scott says annoyed.

"Hmm, convince" Jackson says smirking.

"Just do it for Allison, she is in serious danger, I mean around the clock danger" Scott says, trying to convince this idiot to just take Allison to the winter formal "She needs someone to keep an eye on her at the dance"

"Have her dad do it, he is the one actually equip to handle this" Jackson says thinking Argent could help.

"How am I supposed to do that and keep him from finding out about me!" Scott states.

Child Of Fire ➵ Stilinski {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now