the shift

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Number 4 privet drive

Harry Potter the boy who lived was a small frail boy who didn't even know his own name (he thought it was freak) lay in his tiny bed staring up at the darkness when a soft pop followed by something landing on him startled him "what's going on!?"he quietly shouts before a hand covers his mouth "Mr. Harry Potter mustn't shout I is tinky the house elf I was sent by lady Hogwarts to find you" Harry reached up and clicked on his light and there was the creature. Slightly taller than him and dressed in a maids outfit 'which meant she was female right?' he thought as he stared into the big tennis ball sized eyes "I'm sorry I think you have a mistake" Harry said softly "my name is freak" the elf's face was one of shock and anger "I'm sorry for upsetting you" says Harry as he grabs a nearby pole and says "this is to punish me but this space is too small to do it" the elf grips the pole and it disappears much to Harry's shock "how did you do that?" Tinky shook her head "we must go there's no time to explain. We go to Hogwarts you be safe there Harry Potter" Harry huffs "who's Harry Potter?" "You is sir" Harry stared at the elf. For some reason he trusted the creature and nods "okay so how are we getting there?" Tinky smiles and snaps her fingers and the cupboard unlocks and opens. Harry steps out as tinky quickly packs his stuff then holds out her hand. Harry takes it and the room vanishes only to reappear. Harry looks around at the large comfy looking bedroom. "Um is this lady Hogwarts room?" Tinky shakes her head and unpacks Harry's few things "this is a special room made just for you at lady Hogwarts request now I'll bring you some food then you'll go back to bed" Harry nods still unsure if this is a dream but sits and waits. After eating more food then he ever had in his life he was shown a bathroom where he could take a bath. The water was already prepared and he spent sometime just enjoying the warmth of the water leaning back against the tub with his eyes closed. Harry's mind starts to drift and he can almost hear someone humming. "Sweetheart you can't sleep there" says a soft melodious voice. Harry's eyes shoot open and he finds a woman sitting on the edge of the tub her hair was a bright golden color her skin tanned and she had one deep blue eye and the other was shining green she was dressed in red robes and looked to be in her late twenties. Harry shies away from her "I'm sorry for taking so long ma'am I won't do it again" she let's out a soft laugh that filled him with warmth and comfort "it's alright Harry I know you needed this....I'm lady Hogwarts you may call me Zen I sent tinky to save you from those awful people the old coot left you with. You'll be safe here I'll make sure of it. We can discuss it all tomorrow however now it's time for bed" she holds open a towel and vanishes the water helping Harry dry off and transfigures him some pajamas before carrying him to bed. She stays with him humming lullabies until late at night

Headmasters office same time

Albus Dumbledore was not a happy man the devices he had monitoring Harry Potter and his home all exploded at once making him immediately head for privet drive when he arrived and roused the dursleys they had no clue who he was and worse who Harry Potter was obviously someone wiped him from their minds but why? And where was young Mr Potter. Returning to his office he finds several things missing all of them technically belonged to either Harry or to the school. If the portraits saw anything they weren't being helpful they just kept saying 'the lady reclaimed them' 'utter rubbish. Whoever this lady is will feel my wrath' he paces the office not seeing the smiling hat on the shelf almost hoping with glee at the prospect of all dumbles plans shattering under the weight of this new paradigm shift 'i can't wait until I can sort the new lord Hogwarts'

So this is mostly just for fun I felt there aren't many stories with a sentient Hogwarts and none where Harry is raised by it so I decided to make it. I might put a poll up on my home page to vote for a ship later in the story but not until later

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