Chapter 2

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With that random tingling sensation in your head gone, a loud hiss roared through out the bus, and the doors swung open again. Immediately a line formed down the middle of the bus, kids pushing and shoving one another into other seats. A daily battle of strength-or at least that's how you saw it. You let the first couple kids pass by, but on the sixth you jumped to your feet. Without a word, you inserted yourself between two other kids, shuffling your feet to keep up with the slow moving line. You took another quick glance behind you, and saw the boy in the black jacket get quite violently, forced back into his seat by an 8th grader. They could be total d*uches sometimes. You were to far ahead to go back and try to help him, so you turned forward again and moved on. His grouchy voice could be heard even after you'd exited the bus. You pushed on through the school gates. Students by the millions streaming up and down the campus sidewalks. Groups of any size forming just about anywhere. You dodged to the side, just barely missing some runners trying to rudely run you over. Giving a growl in response, you trudged on through the herd of children.

You approached an abandoned path that used to serve as the main gate from the drop off area that lay between the 7th grade and 8th grade buildings. Weeds had grown and small pot holes were randomly scattered around the pathway. Over head was a connecting "hallway" that was really an outside bridge with a railing to cross between the two buildings. It worked well as a roof from heat and bad weather, so underneath was quite nice. You lowered your backpack to the ground by the wall and sat yourself down neatly beside it. Kids hustled past, oblivious to your watching. You unzipped your backpack to reveal a lengthy novel. A romance novel. You will admit, your a real sucker for romance, especially romcoms. Of course you wouldn't admit that to anyone at school, as that would probably earn you a life time guarantee of teasing. Pulling your knees up to hide the front cover, you flipped the hard cover over, opening to the page with the red and black paper bookmark. Before you could even begin reading the first sentence, a familiar grumble disrupted you once more. God d*mn it, were you ever going to get a moment of peace and quiet? You looked up to see him again, his raven hair poking out from the sides of his hood. He was staring down at a crumpled white paper in his hands scowling. You immediately recognized the printed paper by the type of heading visible through the backside of the paper. A schedule. No wonder he had sat in your spot. He was new here! Duh! You hesitated for a moment, contemplating if you should go up and help him or not. You decided to try and make some kind of peace with him for the morning misunderstanding. Cramming your book back into your backpack, you got up and cautiously made your way towards him. "Um, excuse me?" You voice coming out gruff and more of a growl sound. His eyes shot to you in a instant, his frown growing. "You again? What the f*ck do you want? I'm a bit busy." You swallowed and cleared your throat. "Oh um, it's just that..." You swallowed again. "You seem to be in need of some help." His eyes narrowed. "What! I'm perfectly fine! I don't need any random a**holes help!" He declared. Just then the bell sounded. He recoiled at the sound, looking slightly terrified. "Well, actually, I may need some help..." He replied promptly, sounding quite panicked. You smiled politely like you've practiced in the mirror before, hoping not to make a bad impression. "C-can I see this for a second?" He nodded quickly, practically shoving the paper into your hands. He was nervously looking around watching kids enter and leave buildings. Your eyes skimmed the sheet, missing his name while in search for his classes. 7th grade... "Ah ha, here. It looks like..." You spotted your first period teacher first in line. " have the same class as me for first period. Follow me." You gestured for him to follow you, which in reply he gave a quick nod. Handing back his schedule, you grabbed up your backpack slugging it over your shoulder, then pushed open the door to the 7th grade building. Warm air surrounded you, making you feel slightly drowsy. You jogged over just in time for the line to begin to enter the classroom. Looking over your shoulder, you saw the boy frantically scanning his surroundings. He looked surprised that the hall split into two different corridors, which intersected at the end where the stairs were for the up stairs students. "Come on!" You shouted to him to gain his attention. He blinked then rushed over to join you. He stopped at the threshold of the entry way while you walked past him into the room. Your gaze now locked with your new desired location, your seat.

After carelessly tossing your backpack to the ground beside your chair, you then sat yourself down. The whole room was separated into table groups, yours was the very middle of the room. A.K.A. the place were the teacher dumped all the kids he had no where else for. There was you, some other kid who you sometimes chatted with about video games who sat across from you, and some popular guy who was supposed to sit next to you, but was clearly to "cool" to sit there. So he made it his daily plan to try to move his chair to another nearby table that held most of his trouble making friends, which was completely fine with you. He was an a**hole anyway. The third was a girl who was always sick or something, so you never saw her at school. To you, that just meant less trouble for your table. You heard a shuffling noise next to you, than a low screeching noise. The sound of a chair being pushed against tile. A black figure slowly progressed it's way next to you, a chair in front of them. You looked at him, wondering why he chose to sit here. He looked a bit flustered, his black bangs framing his face. "There was no where else to sit." He explained quietly. You could only let out a simple, "Oh." Doing the same as you, he dropped his pack and sat down. He smashed his schedule onto the table in front of him, trying to smoothen it out more. The guy across from you gave him a suspicious look, which the boy had no trouble returning with a glare. No trouble can possibly come of this...can it? You thought to yourself. Your eyes darted back to the heading, hoping to see this mystery boy's name. Frustratingly, his hand was covering up that part. Sighing, you pulled out your pencil and notebook, and prepared yourself for the long day ahead of you.

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