Judgement over mortal (2)

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Shin Jinlian is one of the elite of underworld and one of the people that the prince of the underworld trust. Him and Shou Ling use to work together when they were a mere student of the sky clan and years later he become his worker while Shou Ling become his boss.

He's work is pretty simple. Just like most of the elite he guide the soul of mortal to the underworld to be judged by the hell judge.

He was in the middle of his break until ' horus' The prince most trusted companion and the only creature that allowed to enter his plane come rushing toward him. He informed him that the prince wish for him to come to his place and treat the soul who named shen jiu that for some reason manage to step in his plane of Hiusayshi

Shocked by the information, Shin Jinlian understood why Shou Ling ask for him instead of the healers,if the news of a certain soul manage to enter Hiusayshi plane it will cause a lot of trouble and not to mention could possibly make this Shen Jiu person to be targeted to those who bear grudge towards the prince.

But before he goes to the palace, he bring some of the medicine that were given to the elite such as him in case they encounter a damaged soul. And since Ho Rus mentioned something of 'The soul is severely damaged and must be fix before bringing returning it to it's body' for sure the medicine will be needed.

With all the preparation being settled he burned the talisman that Ling personally gave to him in case he needed to enter his palace, the second the talisman was burned he vanished living a trace of qi behind

"Whoever this Shen Jiu person is must be an extraordinary person to be able to enter Hiusayshi plane, manage to gain Shou Ling attention just by viewing his past as mortal"


A sudden shout and crash startled Shin Jinlian while he was in the middle of reading a book, the sound come from the room where he and ho rus had treat the damaged soul and perform the ritual that supposedly help the soul to recover much faster.

He immediately rushed towards the second floor to see what's going on and what had greeted him almost left him breathless

The Shen Jiu who manage to gain Ling attention is a piercing beauty.

Shen Jiu hair is messy and his robe is pretty much dirtied, yet Shin Jinlian cannot bring his gaze off the mortal Infront of him

*Badumb badumb*

His heart beat quickened

"If you heart come to be beating pretty fast from how it normally should, it mean that you had fallen in love to whoever you gaze at, and if you happen to not be able to stop gazing at that person when you first time meet them it's called love at first sight!"

Mun Fiyan voice ringed in his head. At first he thought that the little girl was just joking around after all he had never know nor ever experienced how does it feel to fall in love

It appears that he was wrong

"God I think I'm falling for him"


It took a lot of his energy to escape that darned plane but he eventually succeed and the first thing that greeted him is blood

Blood splattered everywhere both in the walls and floor, the once beautiful rich looking palace belonged to the emperor of the 2 realms now look almost like a slaughter house. His demon army, servant and even wives death body is almost everywhere

It seems like the stranger isn't playing around and is pretty serious about his word

"Today shall be your doom and also to those ignorant human and demons of yours"

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