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Enough about my story you'll find out more later. Joe says the bomb could happen at any time, it could be today or Tomorrow or the next day but we should take "precautions" and head to these camp outs where we'd be more safe. I'm guessing his long head ass was on everyone's tv. But something in my gut told me not to go to whatever campsite they were talking about.

I always trust my gut, something special about my blood line is we have good intuition. Most people don't believe that thinking the drugs made us delusional lmao. yes my whole blood line are druggies.

I'm 17 living on my own In a three bedroom house in highland park. I could afford it legally this time. I had a uncle I had no idea about who died a couple months after green. He left all his money and houses to green and I. He was our dads brother apparently although I don't remember my dad very well. He died when I was five. My mom was always on drugs but when she met my dad. She was a hooker he had fell in love with but was left with two kids as she moved on. Unfortunately he was the first to die on me. I don't really know how to feel about his death. Sometimes I have dreams about him I could rarely remember what he looked like years ago. Now I know every single feature.

He was a man version of me. An older version of green. We had nothing in common with our mother but the drug addictions and mental illnesses.

I knew if I wasn't gonna go to the camp site I'd have to leave my house. Joe's voice replayed on the tv as I quickly start throwing clothes in a suit case and grab everything I needed for my puppy. They wanted everyone in those camp sites, it was about 4 in the same fucking area of LA as I continue to drive out of the neighborhood. As I keep thinking the more anxious I feel. Something doesn't feel right about those camps. All my thoughts vanish as I see a dog right in the middle of the street.

It looked quite similar to my dog but was older and wasn't a full breed pit. The dog was definitely smaller then your average pit bull.

I pull over and turn my car off I'm quite calm knowing a bomb could come at any moment as everyone around is freaking out. Cars beeping, people yelling. But I had tunnel vision for this dog..it didn't even try to move out the street. So it has to be injured.

I walk closer to it and I can hear it's cries I quickly get closer and see a semi deep cut on the dog. It was a girl. I pick her up quickly and turn around walking back to my car and as I sit her in the back seat she immediately bolts back up out of the car like she wasn't hurt at all. I turn around to see the dog licking all over this girl. She had blue hair that was tied up into a ponytail as she rubs the dog. Just as excited as the dog. I could see the fear on her face as she looks up at me. But she was absolutely stunning, big blue eyes with the longest eyelashes I'd ever seen. Her cute little nose was tinted a rose color along with her cheeks. Her lips were plump and pink

"I'm guessing that's your dog?" I ask walking a little closer, only for her to back away.

"I seen her in the street she's a little injured if you can't tell. But the cut isn't deep enough to get badly infected. Maybe clean it if you can" I say, not trying to get any closer to the shorter girl. I didn't want to scare her off completely.

"How are you so calm when a bomb can be hitting us at any time now?" Her voice was shaky but also horse, like she was crying for hours on end.

"We all die regardless if anything" I shrug.

"That's a weird way to look at things, you aren't scared for your family..friends?" She asks, her dog running back to me causing her to come closer.

Not when their already dead.

"I don't have any of those. Just my dog" I say pointing towards my pup that's in the car still.

"Aw he's so cute"
She gushes as he taps on the window with his paws. I open the door allowing him to get out.

She rubs him for a while until she looks back up at me.

"What's his name?" She asks.

"Kane" I reply causing him to come up to me taking a seat in front of my feet.

"No I don't want you buddy, go play" I coo to him and goes back to the girls dog as they play in the grass.

"And yours?" I ask

"My name or my dogs?" She chuckles


"Well I'm Billie and that's pepper" she reply's in a goofy tone and I laugh.

"Well billie you seem quite calm too if you ask me" I state and that's when her eyes widen.

"You made me forget for a few minutes" she whispered quietly thinking i didn't hear.

Good hearing always comes in handy.

"You have any family?" I ask

"Yeah I'm supposed to be meeting them at the camp site" she responded calling pepper over to her.

Immediately my heart drops..something doesn't feel right.

"Uh, uhm they don't accept animals.." I mumbled but loud enough so she could hear. I remember reading it at the bottom of the tv screen.

No animals allowed, it'll take up to much space. Another reason I wasn't going to that camp. Ill be damned if I left my baby out here alone.

"Wait what?"

Billies face was historical she was definitely an animal lover too.

" i- I need to call my parents" she walks away by a tree to I guess call her family as I call Kane back to me. I open my car door and  the Billie girl walks up to me again. Tears running down her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, pure concern in my voice for I don't know what reason. She's a random girl I just happened to run into.

A guess a good random considering the blue hair. It fits her.

"There's a swat team stopping everyone that already went in from getting out, but I don't know why they would keep them if they don't want to stay" the girl rambled on as she starts to break down.

"They aren't letting anyone out" I repeat and that's when it clicks.

If a bomb was coming today or maybe the next day..A camp wouldn't stop the bomb from killing everything around it.

And of course us being desperate and scared we listen to joe ass and go to these sites just to be held hostage.

There's no bomb..

It can't be

They would've left us to die if there was really a fucking nuc. What are they moving us out of our houses for? Just to keep us in these campsites for however long.

Next thing you know we're gonna go back in time where people start going crazy and form against each other making cults n shit to see who's the best one.

While having those irrational thoughts I didn't think I was gonna be quite accurate.


Face claim for grey!

Talk about her and I'll kill you

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Talk about her and I'll kill you. This bitch is hot.

End of the world| bottom billie g!pWhere stories live. Discover now