King of Hearts Pt.2

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"I think the door we need is on the first four floors. I've seen people on the top floor and the seekers haven't gone up there." said Bakugou, frowning when he watched another person die, the gunshots making his ears ring.

"We need to split up," Shoto stated with determination, "if we all work together we can find the room quicker and stop the seekers. We only have five minutes left, and who knows what will happen if we don't complete the game."

"We still have time." Kirishima tried to stop Todoroki, but the male had already stood up.

"Icyhot!" Bakugou whisper-yelled. 

"There isn't enough time! I'd rather do something than die sitting here, and I know you both would too." Todoroki turned to face the rest of the complex. "Hey! Everyone, listen up!"

Bakugou and Kirishima's eyes widened, trying to grab and pull Todoroki down.

"Everyone, if you can hear me then try and search the first four floors! Avoid being in direct sight of the seekers, I think their masks obstruct their vision!" Todoroki thought back to seeing a player run to the side of the hallway and remain out of sight from one of the seekers. "Work from the top down, and shout once you clear a floor!"

He sighed with relief when he heard a couple shouts of agreement amongst the stamping of footsteps around the complex.

"Come on." Shoto pulled his friends up. "We need to save these people."

And with that, Shoto jumped over the railing, parkouring down to the fourth floor.

"Damn." Bakugou muttered. 

"Well, it's now or never Bakubro!" Kirishima grinned before jumping over too. 

"Damn." the blond repeated. "I'll head down to the ground floor!" he yelled, using small explosions to slow his landing, hissing when he heard gunshots just where they were all hiding.

Todoroki made his way around the fourth floor, using his ice at the corners to see any seekers in its reflection. At every door he tried the handle, scanning for any hints that it was the correct door. Two sides down and he crashed into a young women, one who was coated in blood. 

"It's coming! It's coming!" she yelled frantically.

"Head to the upper floors, you'll be safe there." he assured, pointing to the nearby stairwell. "And stay close to the ground."

"O-okay!" the women nodded before rushing off.

"Seeker on fifth floor!" someone yelled, just as gunshots rang out.

"Kirishima!" Todoroki shouted. "Anything?" 

"Second floor is clear! No door!"

"First is clear too! We've debilitated one seeker!" an unknown voice rang out, but Bakugou yelling 'Die!' could be heard in the background.

"Everyone who can hear me, head to the third and fourth floors!" Shoto yelled, sighing when he heard footsteps from all directions coming closer. "Work together to find the doors, only make contact with the seeker if you are confident enough!"

"Icyhot!" Bakugou hopped over the railing. "What's left?"

"The east side." Bakugou rushed off, pulling on each of the handles and growling when it had no result.

Two minutes.

Shoto prayed that he was right, running down the last corridor and pulling on every handle. He could hear gunshots ring out, and Kirishima shouting for everyone to head to the upper floors. He hoped he was okay and-

Shoto Todoroki OneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat