No Longer

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No longer can I put this smiling mask on. No longer can I hold back my tears. No longer can I sit in pain. No longer can I hold back the cries for help. No longer can I cry myself to sleep. No longer can take the blame. No longer can I take the hits. No longer can I take the abuse. No longer do I want to put up with this pain. No longer do I want to hide. No longer do I want to put up with this act for the audience of people that sit and stare at me. No longer do I want to run. No longer do I want to fight. No longer do I can't to be called names. No longer do I want o put on a tough act. No longer do I want to be alone. No longer can I hold this guilt. I can no longer brush the words off my shoulder like I'm fine. I can no longer protect myself. I can no longer hold the wall up that's keeps the demons and thoughts out of my head for I have given up.

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