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"There's no one you know that would do this? No enemies?" Voight asked, looking at the worried parents.

"Not that I can think of. I just want to know where my child is" Jay said, pacing.

Kim and Hailey were busy looking through everything in Kamryn's backpack. Atwater and Ruzek were going through her phone and watch. Jay and Hailey were both extremely shaky and worried for their child.


Kamryn woke up again to nothing. She was still cuffed to a pipe and only found that out when she tried to move. Whatever she'd been given, was playing mind tricks on her. All she wanted was to go home. She had no clue who this was, but she knew her parents were looking.

"Look who's up," the voice said, quietly.

"Who are you?" She asked, a mumble in her voice.

"That's only for me to know"

"Can you just let me go? My parents are probably looking." Kam mumbled, getting a kick to the stomach.

"Mention them again and you won't see them again" the man threatened.
From then on, Kam pretty much shut up. She hoped that her parents were looking for her.


The intelligence unit was back at the district, dropping all of their caseloads until they found Kamryn.

"Okay, I want Ruzek and Burgess to interview teachers from the school. See if Kamryn came to talk to any of them about being nervous. Atwater, Jay, and Hailey, I want you knocking on doors. See if anyone heard anything or saw anything that could help us figure out who took her."
Everyone nodded and headed their separate ways.

After everyone interviewed everyone they could think of, they came up with nothing. Hailey and Jay were getting increasingly frustrated and worried about their child. Questions like,
"who had taken her?
Was she okay?
When would they find her?
Was she even alive?"
Raced through Hailey's mind. It was becoming hard for her to focus.

It was just Jay and Hailey in the locker room and Hailey was becoming more and more upset about their missing daughter.

They went home that night with no answer, and both headed to bed.
Hailey woke up around 2 AM and rolled over only to reveal an empty bed. She sighed and got up, walking out to the living room. Jay was on the laptop, looking at every social media page that Kamryn had. He looked for any clue, anyone that he didn't know, anyone that could've hurt her.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Hailey asked, rubbing her eyes as it was 2 in the morning.

"Trying to find our kid" Jay snapped. He was tired. He'd been up for hours and all over the internet.

"Jay" Hailey sighed, knowing he was just tired out. "Come back to bed"

"No. I need to find our daughter" he said again, not taking his eyes off the computer. Hailey sighed and retreated to their bed, lying awake for hours before it was time to start work again.


Both Hailey and Jay walked in, looking like hell. The bus briefly stopped at their house and it set off a whole bunch of tears for Hailey. Kamryn's door wasn't swinging open when the horn of the bus sounded, that was an awful feeling.

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