one. Mailboy

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hm, off to a good start.

Title: Mailboy

Author: foreversmilin


❝You're not my boss.❞

❝Actually, I kind of am.❞

Zoey Hunter was always one to hold herself up to a high standard, and it showed. Her abundance of friends, perfect grades, and almost ideal family reflected her hard work, making her an object of jealousy for many.

But there was more to Zoey than what met the eye - hidden underneath the pressure to uphold her practically perfect image, was a girl determined to express herself. And she did just that with two of the most unlikely hobbies that one could have - paint and delivering mail.

Then she discovered Nico Forrest, a cocky British boy forced to get a job at his local post office, and the two were forced to bond over morning mail delivery. Soon, they saw each other much more often than they would have liked to.

What could go wrong? Everything.

Okay, if you haven't read this book I seriously think you should. This story started off it my library for (give or take) a couple months. Without even me clicking on it! And then one day I decided to read it and BAM I read it in a night. No joke. I barely finished any of my homework. Mailboy is completely well written that it makes me never even want to start writing a book because it will never be that good. Plus, as a bonus, the author is super chill so all her authors notes were great, as well. I'm pretty sure (sense I finished it a while ago) that the setting was in Canada which is the first and only story I have read in that country. So, cool! Nico Forrest *cue faints* is probably the only wattpad boy I have actually fallen in love with and I don't know why. I think it was because the way he was written was so amazing, AND he was British. . . Sooo the end there. Zoey was cool, too. She's one of the only girls on Wattpad that wasn't annoying AF. Which is pretty hard to find on Wattpad. Sense this is my first 'Favorite' in this book it's my favorite book on Wattpad and I'm currently obsessed with the sequel Artgirl.

Rating: 5/5 obviously

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