Kungwan wiped his face with one hand and took a deep breath. "What is your business here, Wei Sen?"

"I carry orders to fulfill." From his pocket, Wei produced two rolled parchments. He handed Kungwan one of them and continued, "This is a ban on teleportation until the end of the investigation."

He can't be serious. A ban on teleportation? Now? "What is the point, may I ask?"

A wry smile slipped from Wei's face. "That's something Hanu Sen might answer. I am here to execute the order."

More nonsense from his old friend. Only a fool might believe that Wei was not aligned with his malicious cousin. What is she up to? Does she know anything about our escape? Even if that was the case, Hanu's ridiculous order would delay his move, but it wouldn't foil it. Dozens of portals existed outside Sun Castle, still.

"I shall report all of this to the Emperor." Kungwan wagged one firm finger at Wei. "I shall let him know how his subordinates have misused their authority. And I'm quite certain he won't be glad when he hears that his soldiers and their commander have been disrespected in his name."

Wei curled his nose. "You are exaggerating, Kungwan Sen. These are just routine measures in such a situation."

Measures? The word echoed in Kungwan's mind as he glanced at the other parchment Wei was still holding. "What's in this?" the Archmage asked warily.

The Commander of the Imperial Guard cast Kungwan a crooked smile as he handed him the second parchment. "Just another routine measure."

Growing impatient, Kungwan broke the seal, spread the parchment, and skimmed through it. "A confinement order?" He almost tore up the parchment apart in a moment of fury, but he knew better that he shouldn't do that to a document that had the Emperor's seal. At least, not in front of the Commander of the Imperial Guard.

"Once we arrest those who set fire to the chemistry room in the castle, all these measures will become invalid."

Kungwan glared at Wei. "Tell Hanu that whatever happens within the walls of Sun Castle is my business alone. After I'm done with my own investigations, I shall return to the Imperial Palace." He wagged a firm finger, hoping Wei would buy his act. "I shall make sure you and your cousin receive the sanction you deserve for this insolence."

Wei heaved a sigh. "If anybody else said what you said, I'd arrest them at once, but as a matter of respect to your glorious past, I'll pretend I've heard nothing. My piece of advice to you now is to keep your head together and try to right the wrongs you have done." He leaned forward toward Kungwan. "Your daughter and your nephew will be a good start."

Kungwan tried to sound calm when he asked, "What about them?"

"They have to be part of your investigation, Kungwan Sen," Wei said curtly. "May I ask why they are not here in Sun Castle as we speak?"

"They are punished."

"While the investigation is still ongoing?"

Inwardly, Kungwan cursed those reckless teenagers for putting him in such a situation. "I told you: Whatever happens in this castle is my business alone."

"Not anymore, Kungwan Sen. Not after you allowed vandals to sabotage your castle." Wei gnashed his teeth. "Not after you killed my son with your extreme training methods!"

Kungwan wasn't too surprised that Wei still blamed him for Lan's death. Still, it was a cheap move by Hanu to use her cousin's loss against a rival of hers. "I should have known it from the beginning." He nodded, smirking. "This is not about the damned investigation. It's just you and your cousin seeking personal revenge." He pointed an accusing finger at Wei. "I thought you were better than that, my friend."

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