Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Therese Belivet POV:

I am just explaining the general principles of addition to the children and gave the children a few easy tasks to reinforce what they have learned.Rindy is special. I have never heard a child talk about a short story like this, nor have I seen a child calculate a task so quickly. It's like she already knows all the material for the school year and the next by heart and understands it as well. I really need to talk to Rindy's mom about this after teaching. She needs to know if she knows what a genius her daughter is.
I wonder if she's married. She is so beautiful. All I can think about is the baby blues of her eyes, the fullness of her red made-up lips, her well-shaped breasts that are clearly visible through her see-through black blouse, and her erotic and deep voice. I lose myself in thoughts until I hear Rindy's call and wake up from thoughts of her mother. What is it all about? I quickly run to Rindy.

"What's going on Rindy?"

"Could you maybe explain it to me again?"

I had her somewhat difficult assignments to see how good she really was. She solved the first assignment sheet, a 2nd grade paper within a few minutes. I gave her one for 3rd grade. She only had a little trouble with one of them. But after I explained one possible solution, she quickly found another possible solution.

"Rindy do you know what a genius you are? The problems you just did are at the level of a third or fourth grade student."

Rindy just shakes her head ignorantly at my statement. But nimbly a tender smile formed, much like her mother.

"You've done enough chores for now Rindy. If you want, you can help your new friends a little."

"I'd be happy to, Ms. Belivet."

Since meeting Daisy and her new teddy bears Hela, the little girl seems like a changed person. I am happy for her that she is doing a little better.

Rindy's POV:

I like Therese. Can't she be with mommy? Instead of with daddy. I don't like him anymore. He always hurts mommy. Whenever she thinks I won't watch, she's alone and crying. Daddy is even mean enough to drive Aunt Abby and her wife Phyllis away. Mom and I always talk on the phone with those two together. Aunt Phyllis looks a lot like Mama. She used to be with a man just like Mama and has children, but they are all older than me. But they are funny.
Therese looked at Mama the same way Abby looked at Phyllis. I really need to come up with a plan to get them together, maybe I can stay with mommy for good. I don't like Daddy's new girlfriend one bit. She's a bitch. Melanie I think her name is, she said if she marries my daddy someday and daddy has sole custody of me, they will send me to a strict Catholic boarding school in Switzerland. I don't want that. I would never see mommy again. I can't let that happen.

Quietly I begin to whisper in Daisy's ear, "You saw the blonde in the suit with me earlier. That was my mom. Ms. Belivet was enchanted by her. We really need to get those two together."
"I'm on it Rindy. Do you have a plan yet?"

"No not yet. But I'll have one by tomorrow and we'll start Operation Belivaird."

"Belivaird? What does that mean?"
"Simply Daisy Beliv as in Belivet and Aird as in Mamas and my butt name."

Daisy helps me out. Part 1 of Operation Belivet can begin. Gratefully, I hug my new friend for a moment. Happy for my teddy that Ms Belivet gave me. He's so cute, especially the green eyes. My Hela. I'll definitely have to show it to Mom later.

Therese's POV:

"Girls you can keep talking during the break, but please do your chores first."

"Yes miss," Daisy and Rindy said in sync. After that, Daisy devotes herself to her tasks and Rindy is busy cuddling with her new teddy bears. This girl is too cute to ever be mad at her.

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