Peter pulled out his laptop from his backpack and sat next to Sage on her bed, placing it in the middle of them. Sage was to busy studying her room though. It was much bigger than the one she had at home, Her bed was a queen with these white cotton sheets that felt like clouds. A giant window with plants growing in it, A small white desk in the corner, vines hanging around her walls, and ceiling with monarch butterflies hanging.

Peter began clicking his keyboard rapidly then clicked on an album labeled Sage and played everything inside it. Videos, pictures, saved snaps, and more.

"This is way to detailed to be a dream"

"Thats cause it isn't, Sage!" She watched the laptop and began thinking about her home.

"But i have a home, with my cat Murph, and my mom well, she isn't home often but she's there, and Amelia"

"Oh i get it now" Sage turned to Peter tilting her head to the side slightly, "Your mind must have been taking stuff from the past and creating this perfect reality in a sense. Murph, Amelia, your mom"

"What do you mean?"

"Murph is the cat at Delmar's, the sandwich shop we would always go to. Amelia is one of your best friends at school, Midtown Tech"

"But we go to Middleton"

"No you used to go to Middleton, back in New Jersey before the Starks adopted you"


"Your mom was never home because she was always out working, and when she came home she was always mean to you. You had to go into foster care which is where the Starks met you, which they then adopted you." Sage stared at his laptop, clicking through the pictures as memories flooded her head.

"oh my god" She whispered still clicking through the pictures, she stopped and looked at Peter, "I remember its real, oh my gosh its real!"

"You remember everything?"



"You're totally rambling," Pepper said while walking through Central Park with her husband.

"No im not, no im not" He sped up and began walking ahead of her, "Look you know how when you have a dream, and in the dream you have to pee?" Pepper looked over at Tony, somewhat confused,


"Ok, and then your like, 'Oh my God theres no bathroom what am i gonna do? Oh! Someones watching"

"Yeah I got it, and then in real life, you actually have to pee"

"Yes," He turned walking backward now,

"Everybody has that"

"Right! Thats the point im trying to make here" Pepper slowed down before stopping,

"Whats the point?"

"Last night, i dreamt that we had a kid. It was so real, We named her after eccentric uncle..what was his name" He closed his eyes waving his hand in the air trying to think, "Morgan! Morgan"

"So you..woke up and thought that we were?"




"No" She shook her head, smiling slightly at her husband.

"I had a dream about it! It was so real!"

"Tony, we have Sage. And even though she's not out biological daughter she is our daughter, and well, what would she think?"

"She used to beg us for a little sister? Remember!" Pepper walked closer, untying the knotted sleeves of the gray Nike jacket hanging around his shoulders.

"Yeah, and besides. If you wanted to have a kid" She moved the sleeves to the side, tapping the glowing arc reactor, "You wouldn't have done that"

"Right, well im glad you brought this up cause this is just a housing unit for nano parts"

"You're not helping your case, ok? You don't need that!" Tony stared into Pepper's icy blue eyes,

"Im just trying to protect us, and future us', and thats it. Just in case theres a monster in the closet, instead of, y'know"

"Shirts" Pepper nodded

"You know me so well" She closed her eyes, nodding, and soon turned to shake her head. "You finish all my sentences." Pepper sighed,

"Well you should have shirts in your closet."

"You know what? Im gonna take you out, we'll have a nice dinner tonight, right? And we should have no more suprises, ever" Pepper laughed, biting her lip. They both smiled at each other Tony leaning in, both of their lips locking. A small sound of sparking started from beside them, which then turned into the sound of strong gusts of wind.

"Tony Stark!" Both Tony and Pepper turned quickly in the direction of the monotone voice. A sparking circle in the middle of the park inside looked like a darker wooden building. Stepping out from it was a man dressed like Dungeons and Dragons. Black slicked back hair with a goatee, grey eyes that resembled the sky on a clouded day when it looks like it's about to rain. A red flowing cape behind him with some sort of blue robe thingy and a gold necklace. "I'm Dr. Stephen Strange, I need you to come with me"

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