Chapter 1

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First part! A rampion reunion on Scarlets farm. I hope you like it and please let me know what you think. -Aila

Scarlet turned in her bed and was surprised to wake up to Wolf sitting on the edge of the mattress.
"What are you doing here?" She asked him.
"To wake you" He replied "It's 1 pm already and the others will be here soon".
"Oh no!" Scar wailed. "I forgot about the farm!"

She scurried out of bed and pulled her sweater over her head, and just before she was about to put on a shoe, Wolf stopped her and said "I did everything. Fed the animals, collected the eggs, watered the plants and I even made you breakfast"

"Aw, Wolf!" Scar cried happily "you didn't need to do any of that".

He had been helping Scarlet with the farm the last two weeks but had never done anything by himself. Scar knew there were bound to be a few chickens that were scared out of their minds with Wolf's appearance, or some plants he drowned, but she reminded herself it's the thought that counts.

He was right, the others would be here soon, so she got dressed quickly and ran down the stairs to answer the door.

When she opened the door she was mobbed by dozens of people holding flashing cameras in her face. The paparazzi must have found out that the others were coming.

"Miss Benoit!" they yelled, shoving mics and questions in her face.
"Out!" she yelled. They ignored her. Wolf walked down and peered out the door. He pulled Scarlet into the house and slammed the door. Scar groaned. "Cress must have forgotten to cloak their ship"

"Don't be mad at her" Wolf said gently.
"I'm not" Scarlet sighed. "How are they supposed to get in the house with all those idiots outside?"

Just then there was faint rumbling and the sound of pounding footsteps. Looking out the window, she saw the Rampion landing harshly on the ground. Thorne must have been flying.

The paparazzi gathered around the ship, shoving each other to get to the front. The ramp lowered slightly and Jacin swiftly jumped down onto the ground. Thorne was quick to follow, but not so swiftly. "Everybody, MOVE!" he barked. No one listened.

"Captain Thorne!" The screamed "Is the emperor on board? Is Queen Selene with you? Is princess Winter here?"

Scarlet marched out the door and raised her precious shotgun. She fired a warning shot into the air and everyone turned towards the noise. "Leave or we will have the emporor arrest you!" She yelled.

"Thats not how it works!" A woman with a large camera said.
"I'm making it how it works"

Wolf was right behind Scarlet, shifting his feet nervously.

Scarlet got impatient and decided to fire. A bullet when wizzing past the womans arm. She shrieked in terror and ran to the vehicle she had come from, followed by the rest of the group.

Once the hovers had driven off, the ramp started lowering more, but a few meters before it hit the ground, Winter jumped off.

Jacin was quick to run to her but she just got up and nothing short of flung herself at Scar.

Scarlet laughed and shoved Winter off. "Missed you too" She grinned.

The rest of the crew ran up to them and there were loud greetings. Thorne grinned at Scarlet and she scowled in return. "Missed me?" he asked, approaching her.

"There's only one way to know for sure, can you leave again?" She deadpanned.
"I see someone didn't have her pill for her daily dose of decency"
Wolf glared at Thorne.

Once they were back in the house, they started talking animatedly, catching up on life in general. Cress and Thorne had brought Winter, Jacin, Cinder, Iko from Luna and had picked up Kai from the Common Wealth on the way to France while Wolf and Scarlet had already come down to the farm a few weeks ago.

They snacked and Thorne told them about a second era game called truth or dare and they decided to play it and Cinder went first.
"Ok, Scarlet, truth or dare?"
"Dare" Scar Replied immediately
"I dare you to... have a spoon full of mustard," Cinder said with a slightly evil smile.
Everybody knows Scarlet HATES mustard, the only reason they have it in the house is because Wolf is going through a phase where he puts it on raw tomatoes, eww.

Scar made a face, but a dare is a dare. Everyone followed her to the kitchen and watched as she removed the mustard from the fridge and pulled a spoon from a cabinet.

She took a deep breath and shoved the spoon in her mouth.
She swallowed.
She made a face.
She gagged and thought she was going to throw up.

Wolf handed her a glass of water and she gave Cinder a death glare.

"Ok, it's Scarlet's turn," Iko said and everyone listened to who she was going to pick.
"I choose...Thorne"
"Dammit" He whispers, "I thought I could avoid this".
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth" Thorne replied
"What is the biggest lie you've told?" Scar asked him.

Thorne thought for a few moments and replied with "That I didn't love Cress".
"Awww!" Iko and Winter squealed.
Cress was blushing so much that Wolf thought her cheeks would catch on fire.

"Thornes turn," Cress said, trying to stop the awkward silence.
"Iko, truth or dare"
"What is something you have never told anyone, like, not even Cinder?" Thorne asked.
After a long time, Iko said "I tell Cinder everything"
"Then tell us something you only told Cinder," Kai said
"Well, I kinda fell for that palace guard, Kinney, when he shot me," Iko sighed. If she could blush she definitely would.

They played for a while longer and then cut the tart Cress brought and each had a slice. "Cress! This is delicious". Winter exclaimed. "Did you make it"
"No" Cress said that the same time Thorne said "Yes"
"You could have convinced them you didn't almost poison me when you tried to make the tart and you actually made this one and didn't buy it!" Thorne exclaimed.

They talked for ages, and Kai suddenly said "Aces, it's already seven pm".
"We can all go out for dinner" Cress suggested shyly.
"Paparazzi" Kai reminded "They will figure out where we are"

They talked and played a few more games, but Cress and Thorne had to strat their antidote distribution as quickly as possible, and they would be passing the Common Wealth and would drop all the others there. Cinder, Jacin, Winter and Iko would get a ship to Luna from there.

They said their goodbyes, promising to get together again soon, and then they were gone.

Adventures of a Tomato Addict: WolfletOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora