Yeah, this was definitely going to be in his vlog.

ਏਓ . . .

"So, [ y/n ]?" Jack asked, you went to stream in Wilbur's twitch since his chat wanted to see more of you and it was his turn to go and buy the needed groceries. Tommy joined in a swell cause he wanted to see how you would do and also because Wilbur told him so.

"Yes Jack Manifold?" You look at his fan cam as he he put his hands together.

"How long have you both been in a relationship?" 

"Me and Wil have been together for 3 years and 8 months, I've known him since 2010 so about 12-13 years." You answered.

"Damn, that fucking long??" Tommy suddenly cried out, "You must've known the said ex from oh so songs from Lovejoy??"

'WAIT, I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE THAT" Jack shouts as you laughed.

"Yes, I have. I don't know if I can talk about her but she was nice at the start then just went pretty mean to the end, especially to me." You thought of when Wilbur's ex gave you dirty looks as silent insults. It bothered you back then but now, you just think that she seemed stupid for doing that since you had nothing to do with their break up.

"Well besides that, do you think it's ti-" Jack was going to ask something until Tommy completely cut him off, getting all of your attention.

"Do you get jealous when he writes the songs??"

"Sorry Jack but to answer Tommy's question, not that much. I mean, yes I was jealous of her back then but the songs never really bother me."

"Why were you jealous?"

"Well, I mean..." You silenced a bit, not knowing that Wilbur was already home.

"You see, I already had the biggest crush with Wil when we first met, call it love at first sight but I didn't really know him back then so I laid off. When he told me that he got a girlfriend, I felt.. like the titanic per say. I was sinking."

"Okay, Tommy- SHUT THE FUCK UP. Now, I'll say this once again, do you think.. it's time for you, for both of you to settle down?" Jack asked, his voice getting softer by the end and with Tommy gasping.

"What do you mean? We already live together."

"You know what he meant." Tommy whispered. He smiled at the thought of both of you. He always thought of both of you as the best couple he has ever seen. He wanted to see both of you together, he may act like he is grossed out when a camera was in their face but in reality, he was happy to see both of you so happy, wishing that one day, he'll find someone like that. (wink wink)

"Get married."

There was a silence by your side, seeing the chat going insanely fast with the ring emoji getting spammed.

Your cheeks were flushed red. The thought of marriage was in your mind but you merely just brush it off every time you thought of it. Now that someone has actually said it to you, all those past thought come running back. You know you love him. You know you wanna be with him. You just absolutely, positively know that you wanna be with him, forever.

"Yes.." You mumbled as Jack, Tommy and chat go ballistic. You couldn't even focus at them. All your mind was just filled of memories with Wilbur and how you wanna be with him.. forever. 

Suddenly, you come back from your thoughts as you heard  knocking at the door. Tommy and Jack went quiet but still going ballistic.

"Come in Wil!" You say as he comes in the door, "Hey love, what you doing?" He closes the door as he  grabs a chair and sat beside you.

"You gave him a smile in which he returned back, "Just stream things."

a/n: honestly best one yet

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a/n: honestly best one yet. also I just finished my English exam then my Social Studies exam after this.


here you go, expect me not update for a while— 😶

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