Old Times Hurt.

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(Expect some cringe and grammar mistake lmao, feel free to correct any grammar mistakes.)
"Ugh man.." Stephan slumped on the chair, drinking his bloxy cola, depressingly.
"Still can't move on huh?" Alex says as he sit down in-front of Stephan, sipping his bloxy cola.
"Yep.." Stephan yet again drink his bloxy cola, thinking of all the memories he have went through.

Man. It's a lot to take in when he heard the community is dying just a year ago. He would explore mysterious places himself, Sometimes with Alex, sometimes with his other friends, sometimes with the people in that community as well.
He remember there would be times where one of the mysterious "people" saw him and the others exploring a mysterious place, and the others and he proceed to play it cool, considering the fact that the mysterious "person" might hate explorers.

The nerve-wrack he felt back then was... addicting, to say at least. Then bam. The community slowly dying. Even a year later, he still can't move on. That's how addicting it is to be in that community, the nerve-wrack, the experience, the brainstorming, the theorizing, the excitement....

It hurts. It really, really hurts, to the point he can't accept that its dying, he really love and have so much planned for the community that he didn't even bother thinking about what will he do next when the community dies.

'This sucks.' Is what all Stephan can think to that event of a downfall.

Now he's here, drinking his soda, outside the café he usually visit at 1 in the morning when he were still in the community, which makes it even worse.

"Why did you even invite me at this café where we usually go when we're still into that community anyways? Not to mention 3 in the morning?" he says as he lay his head on his arms on the table.

Silence fills the air, as if Alex going speechless, it feels like the silence lasted a minute while it only lasted seconds.

"Well.." Alex suddenly speaks, making Stephan to look at him with tired eyes "If it makes you feel better, I heard there's a new community forming that is very similar to the old community." Alex mentions.
"We're not even sure if it's gonna fully form y'know.." Stephan slumps down more on the sofa, making it seem like he's melting.

"Besides, even though we used to be members of that community, I can't imagine going back exploring these mysterious places without having to think that "Oh the community is dying, its becoming toxic, more and more members continue to leave each day." All that stuff!" He continue to sigh.

Alex just nodded, agreeing to what Stephan said.
"Is that the only reason why you invited me to this café?" Stephan ask him, he smiles a bit, the purple hue inside the cafe shines on his face.

"Nah." He takes a sip of his cola.
Stephan looks at him confused. "Then what is it?"



"Just wanna relive the old times, that's all."
A/N: Sorry if the writing doesn't make any sense, wrote this when I was feeling down since I was reminded yet again, about my favorite roblox community/fandom dying. Might do a lil bit changes here later though.

Anyways here's a screenshot I took with my accs for no reason

Update: Gave my roblox characters in the story actual names, don't know about Mainlin in the screenshot thoUpdate 2: Changed where Stephan and Alex sat a bit, the story still remains the same

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Update: Gave my roblox characters in the story actual names, don't know about Mainlin in the screenshot tho
Update 2: Changed where Stephan and Alex sat a bit, the story still remains the same

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