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June 20th, 2005

John's POV

   I just finished my match against Muhammad Hassan for the WWE Championship, as I'm walking to the locker room I hear Stephanie call my name. I turn around and see her running toward me and I say "Hey Stephanie, what's up?" she says "It's Elizabeth, she going into labor." "Oh my god, wait what about next week?" "Don't worry about I'll figure it out and I'll let you know on one condition. Nobody can watch Declan so can you please take care of him until I let you know about next?" Declan is so cute and sweet. "Of course, I'll take him."

   I run to the locker, get all my gear in my bag as fast as possible, and rush to the car where Shane and Declan are waiting for me. Shane thanked me again, and we start driving to the airport to go to Tampa and meet my baby girl.

4 and a half hours later

   We finally land in Tampa, as soon as Declan and I got into the car I told him to drive straight to the hospital. After the longest 15-minute car ride of my life, we arrive at the hospital I picked up Declan, who was sleeping, and a backpack with a few things for Declan so he keeps himself entertained. I told the driver to bring the luggage to our house and give it to Rob, my best friend. He agreed and Declan and I walked in and went to the desk and said "Hi I'm John Cena and my girlfriend, Elizabeth Huberdeau, is in labor with my baby. What room is she in?" "She should be in room 329." I thank her and start heading to her room.

  We get to the room and I knock and heard someone say "come in." I walked in and I see Elizabeth in bed, I walked over and she said: "Oh thank god, you're finally here." Declan started to wake up "Well hello sleepyhead." I said. "Hi," Declan said in a sleepy tone. I set him on the couch and walked over to Elizabeth and kissed her and asked how she was doing and she caught me up on everything. After she got done filling me, Declan said "I Bored." so I pulled out a few of his toys that were in the backpack, and the doctor knocked on the door and came in to check how far along Elizabeth was and she said, "Are you guys ready to have a baby?" we looked at each other and I said "Yeah, I think we are. But can we get someone to stay with Declan or take him to the daycare?" "Of course. I'll have a nurse take him to the daycare." Then he called a nurse and I told Declan "Hey be good ok? I'll come to get you after ok?" "Ok."

35 minutes later

   My baby girl is finally here and she is so beautiful. We decided to name her Emily Carol Cena. I was walking back with Declan and we get to the room we walk in and Declan has the cutest confused face. I sit him down on the couch then pick Emily and I held her by Declan and said: "Declan, this is Emily." "Hi," he said in the cutest little voice. I let him hold her, with my supervisor of course, and grab our camera and took a picture.

 I let him hold her, with my supervisor of course, and grab our camera and took a picture

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(Declan and Emily at the hospital)

   He had the biggest smile, I couldn't wait to show Shane and everyone. We stayed at the hospital and everyone was asleep, Elizabeth was in her hospital bed, Emily was in her bassinet, and I fell asleep on the couch with Declan on top of me. 

   Thank you for reading this chapter, it means a lot. If you're curious this chapter was 642 words. For all you John Cena fans, Elizabeth will not be in the story for long.  ~Anna Kehoe

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