2: Changes

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After 3 hours I woke up from my food coma and got up to go the toilet.
It was 6pm. I washed my face with cold water and directly went back to bed passing my mirror which was standing in my hallway.
I looked in the mirror and lifted up my shirt to check on my tummy.
„Oh god, it got so big."
I noticed a few pinkish lines appearing on it which kinda reminded me of stretch marks.
Maybe I was just tired and saw something that wasn't actually on my body.
I decided to take a photo of it and to send it to jake to have a little laughter.

 I decided to take a photo of it and to send it to jake to have a little laughter

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„Look what your good dinner did to my belly. x33."

Jake - „Looks kinda good on you if you ask me, maybe you should stop going to the gym and rather start to eat at my place more often ;)"

He probably was just joking, so I ended the conversation with some laughing emojis.

The next days were pretty normal, I went to work, meet a few times with Jake and went shopping with him because I needed food and new underwear.
But I really did come to his place for the amazing food and I regret nothing.
Him and I now are pretty close and he knows me like no other. We're almost in a relationship but he hasn't asked me yet and I'm not the pushy one in those situations.

4 weeks later

Yesterday I visited my mom and she told that I've gained weight, but I think she's wrong.
During the time I saw Jake he always told me how skinny I got and that I should eat more, to not look underweight and more healthy. So he made a meal plan to made my weight stay in a healthy place, and it really worked, I think I look a lot slimmer and better. But my mom suggested me to watch what I eat, but I won't listen to her.
I also sent another picture of my belly to Jake and he confirmed that I looked good, so that's perfect

 I also sent another picture of my belly to Jake and he confirmed that I looked good, so that's perfect

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Jake - „You look amazing babe. Keep up the good work."
Jake just knows what's the best for me and maybe I've gained 1 or 2 pounds but that doesn't matter to me.
The next morning I woke up at 11am and directly got into the shower and later dried myself with a towel.
„Hm, maybe I should stay naked at first, my body looks amazing."
„Grr-.." That was my tummy, so I guess it's time for breakfast.
I'll probably try the pancakes, Jake recommended to me. They are high in protein and really delicious.
I prepared the ingredients he gave me for the pancake mix, put them in a bowl and mixed them.
After I let them fry in the pan for 5 minutes, they were finished. He told me to put sirup and a snickers on them, to make them more tasty and he was right. They really tasted awesome, a lot better with the syrup.
10 minutes passed and I was finished, my belly got bloated but that didn't matter right now.
I didn't had anything to do today, So I decided it would be the best to stay in bed, eat some snacks and to put on my underwear.
I layed in my bed and was about to turn on a movie, when suddenly my phone rang.
Jake was calling me.
„Hey pretty Lady, are you at home? I have nothing to do today and I'm around your town. Would you mind if I come over?" he said.
„No absolutely not, feel free to come over, I miss you!"
„Ok, perfect then see you in a few minutes."
I hung up and decided to put on a cute bra of mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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The jacked dude and the chubby girl Where stories live. Discover now