"What are you fortune teller?"

"Ayy I have been meeting different people everyday. I can tell tho"

I said.

"Yeah I have been doing interview for years now. My sixth sense is developed"

I nodded as a agree.

After a while we decided to look into Eun-bin memory.Since it was time for Mr Lim to off. So we 3 three have to go. Mrs Kyoo don't look so happy about that. Mainly Jun Woong.

"Lim Do you want me to go with half half?"

"wait wait Are you talking to us?"

I interrupted.

"And we are human not kind of food"

Jun Woong continued.

"You both are half human and half soul"

"Always this thing"

I mumbled to myself.

"Look like she can only say this to us"

we both whispered.


we three entered Eun bi memory. And we saw how she has been bullied by Hye Won.

Wow how can she?

Because of Jun Woong protected Eun Bi from bully, we have to ran before everything fell of. After long ran, we all back to office. I was still catching my breath. I hit Jun Woong who was sitting beside me.

"Ya you idiot why you do that. It's all because of you"

'It's not my fault my body react before I can think."


"Give me my key back"

Mrs.Kyoo said.And it was already broken.Mrs.Kyoo was about to killed him for that

"I..I it was her fault"

he pointed at me

'Huh Why me"

"You give it to me"

"yeah but it was still good in my hand tho"

'I.....I was in hurry"

Next Day,

we have to do interview again with that bitch.

I only worry about Eun Bi.

While we were setting for interview.

"Oh Eun Bi. I didn't remember at first. We go to same school. And we had a small fight since we were young. Now it is nothing right"

she said while looking at Eun Bi. But she didn't reply

"Huh Look like not really small fight tho"


Hye Won asked me.

"She just joking around. She is always like that"

Jun Woong told for me. I hit him by elbow for saying that.

"Ya do you want it to be obvious"

he whispered to me.

"so why you just hit the light ring so hard then"

"Jun Woong Hari prepare for shooting"

Mrs.Koo ordered. We both prepared for shooting.

"Focus on work and stop glaring"

Lim came closer to me and said.

"I know!"

"Shall we start the interview?"

Hye Won said and started clicking her pen while looking at Eun bi. I looked at Eun Bi and saw her really nervous.

That bitch

So I walked to Hye Won to take a pen. Someone touched it same time as me. I looked at person.It was Jun Woon.

 We looked at into  each other eyes.Even forget why we are here.

I was admiring his face. His fair skin. Round eyes. soft lips.

(A/N imagine it went like slow motion like drama always does hehe)

Quick Jun Woong POV

Wait why I am even staring at her. And.....why didn't I notice her face early. She is....pretty

Back to Hari POV

we don't even know how long it was. We broke eyes contact after hearing a cough from Hye Won. I quickly took it from her and walked to my place.

"What was that?"

I don't have answer for that to be honest.


"Her hearing is sensitive.Maybe that sound bothering her"

he looked at me and said.

"Yeah yeah"

I played along.

"Sorry. I will be careful from now"

I just nodded.

I walked to Jun Woon and

"Thanks for helping"

While shooting interview, I can't help but look at Jun Woong some times.

I can't help it TT

And he saw me looking at him.

Ahh that's so embarrassing.

After interview

"I told you guys not to interfere"

"Then am I supposed to listen?"
we both said at the same time. We looked at each other and quickly looked away.

"yes just listen"

'Then you go and see Eun Bi memory and tell me about that huh?"

I said and was about to walked to Lim but Jun Woong stopped me.

'Our job is to stop Eun Bi from suicide not to punish Hye Won"

"So we have to just stand here and look at  her bullying"

"Yes if it is necessary. yes"

"Wow unbelievable"

"thanks to you.Our future is dark.We can't go to anyone memory from now"


"It is just a accident. He didn't do it on purpose tho"

I told Lim.

"And sorry for my fault tho"

Jun Woong said.

"This is really stressful job"

I mumbled myself and walked out for fresh air.

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