Another goblin that I recognized from my first time here, Griphook I believe, came forward and mentioned me to follow him. I bowed my head to teller Sharptooth, and followed Griphook, not noticing the shocked expressions on all the goblins faces.

Griphook led me down the long hallways and to a room with a gold nameplate saying Potter manager. Griphook knocked on the door three times and waited.

"Enter" another voice shouted, to whom I assumed was another goblin. Griphook entered the room and I followed after him, he bowed to the goblin and I did the same. The goblin at the desk looked shocked like teller Sharptooth did.

I looked around the room and saw it had white marble walls with weapons on display, red carpet over the dark brown wooden floor, a desk with papers and quills on it where the new goblin sat and two chairs in front of it.

The goblin motioned for Griphook to leave and he headed for the door. "Thank you Griphook" I said quietly. Griphook turned around in shock for a moment before schooling his features nodding before leaving.

"Good morning, Lord Potter, I am Gornuk, account manager of the Potter vaults. I just need you to do an inheritance test to prove that you are who you say you are." Gornuk told me. "Of course, what do you need me to do?" Gornuk told me to slice my palm with a ritual knife, then place seven drops of blood onto the parchment and wait.

"Now an inheritance test will obviously have your full name, your parent's names and will add your vaults, abilities if you have any, blocks, potions and compulsions and any creature inheritance you may come into." I listened in curiosity and did as told when he handed me parchment and a knife. I watched in curiosity as my blood was absorbed into the paper and words started to form.

Name: Hadrian James Potter

Date of Birth: 31 July 1980

Father: James Fleamont Potter (deceased)

Mother: Lillian Mary Potter nee Evans (deceased)

Godfather(s): Sirius Orion Black III (Compromised) Frank Longbottom (Compromised)

Godmother(s): Alice Longbottom nee Fortescue (Compromised)


650, 3,000,000,000,000, (Potter family vault)

678, 400,000,000, (Potter trust vault)

357, 900,000,000,000,000, (Black family vault)

1, 100,000,000,000,000,000 (Emrys personal vault)

1, 2, 3, 4, 100,000,000,000,000 (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin Vaults)

Lordships: Potter (paternal) ) Peverell(paternal) Gryffindor (paternal) Hufflepuff (maternal) Ravenclaw (maternal)

Heirships: Black (paternal) Slytherin (conquest)



Loyalty Potion keyed to- Albus P.W.B Dumbledore, Molly Weasley nee Prewett, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, the Light, Order of the phoenix, Weasley Family (made by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Love potion keyed to: Ginevra Weasley (made by Molly Weasley nee Prewett and Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Hate potion keyed to: Slytherins, Tom Riddle, Severus Snape, Malfoy family, Death eaters, the Dark (made by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)


Magical core (Blocked 70% by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Parseltongue (Blocked 100% broken 20% by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Parselmagic (Blocked 100% by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Metamorphmagus (Blocked 100% by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Natural Occlumency (Blocked 100% by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Natural Legilimency (Blocked 100% by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Elemental magic (100% Blocked 5% broken by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Aura sight (100% Blocked by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)


 Recklessness compulsion (by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore) Loyalty compulsion keyed to Albus P.W.B Dumbledore (by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Heroic personality (by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Intelligence downgrade (by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Creature Inheritance: Water fairy, fire elf hybrid (Blocked 100% by Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Soulmate: Neville Longbottom

I stared in shock for a moment before anger made it's way out of me. I clenched the paper before handing it to Gornuk with a murderous expression. He looked at me in surprise but read the paper. He soon had the same expression on his face as he placed the paper down. 'Why would he do that? I thought they were my friends, why would they betray me?"

There were so many questions racing through my mind and no answers. "Why did Dumbledore block my magic and put all those things on me?" I asked, barely containing the rage from leaking out of my voice.

"I am unsure Lord Potter, but may I take you to the ritual room and have some goblins remove them?" Gornuk suggested cautiously. "You are able to remove them?" I asked receiving a nod, "Then you may take me to the ritual room to remove them."

With that Gornuk led us out of the office and down the winding hallways, the marble white walls turned to stone ones as we went further into Gringotts. We stopped at a room to which I assumed was the ritual room. We entered and Gornuk went over to the goblins and spoke in the goblin language. Another goblin cam towards me.

"Lord Potter, I am Sir Gnarlack, Head goblin of the ritual compartment, to so this ritual, we need you to go and lay in the middle of the circle. Then we will undergo the ritual, be warned this will hurt." Gnarlack explained.

I nodded walked over to the circle and laid down. I heard chanting around me and then pain exploded all over my body. I closed my eye and bit my lip to stop myself from screaming. This went on for what seemed like hours until it finally stopped. I could hear someone calling my name before everything went dark.

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