Chapter 1 Home Coming

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Disclaimer: Everything involved in the fanfic is owned by their respective creators and companies.


Chapter 1: Home Coming

It's 10:30 AM, in the morning. When we see the girls approaching. Izumi and her mom's apartment building.

Meanwhile in the apartment. Inko was doing some cleaning. Still being affected by her daughter's disappearance during the USJ incident. Not even the ticket that would let her sit with the teachers of UA for the UA sports festival were helping to fix the mood. Since UA wanted to apologize for what happened to her daughter. The ticket was provided by All Might. After they couldn't find any leads on Izumi.

"Oh, Izumi. I knew that training to be a hero would be dangerous." Said Inko, who was on the verge of crying. While she was looking at a picture of Izumi and her. When Izumi was still a child. "But where could you be..." When she heard a knock at the door. "Right now?" As she walked towards the door, hoping for it to be news about Izumi.

When she opened the door. Inko was greeted by 7 girls walking inside and setting down their luggage. Along with their pixies and fairy pets flying inside. While Izumi and Eri along with their pixies and Izumi's fairy pet were waiting outside for their que to enter the apartment.

"Um, who are girls? And why are you in my apartment?" asked Inko, as she was wondering about who they were.

"Well, if you must know. We're friends of your daughter and let me tell you. You have definitely raised your daughter perfectly." Said Stella, as she looked around the apartment.

"Actually Inko. It was your daughter's idea and she's waiting outside with her adopted daughter." Said Flora, as she walked up to Inko and put a hand on Inko's shoulder.

"If this is a lie. I'm calling the cops." Said Inko, threatening the girls. As she was unaware, that Izumi and Eri had walked up behind her.

"Hello, mom. How are you doing?" asked Izumi, from behind Inko.

"I've been doing horrible. Ever since you...disappeared?" said Inko, as she turned around and saw Izumi and Eri standing there.

"Hello, Mom." Said Izumi, as she stood there smiling with Eri by her side.

"Izumi!" cried Inko, as she ran into Izumi's crying crocodile tears.

"Yes, mom. I'm home." Said Izumi, rubbing her mom's back. While Inko cried out the tears, that she bottled up for the last week.

"Where have you been?" Inko asked, before finally noticing Eri. "And who is this?" She asked, finally noticing Eri. Who was trying to hide, from her grandma. Because she scared her a little.

"Well, Mom. We have so much to catch up on." Said Izumi, as she and her mom separated from hugging each other. "And let me introduce you to your adopted granddaughter." As Eri nervously walked up to her new grandma.

"Hello, grandma. My name is Eri and it's a pleasure to meet you." Said Eri, introducing herself to Inko.

"Aw, aren't you precious." Inko, was awed at Eri's cuteness.

"I'll fill you in on. What I've been up to later." Said Izumi, telling Inko, while she was hugging Eri.

"Hey, Izumi. Can we go and get some lunch?" asked Stella, who was kind of hungry.

"Stella. You're ruining the moment for them." Said Aisha, as she walked up to her. "Remember it's been 8-9 years for Izumi. But a week for her mom. How would you feel? If you got sent back in time by 8-9 years and haven't seen them in them since."

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