Chapter 2: he's back

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"After muichiro knocked tanjiro out he went back to his house when he got there he didn't want tanjiro leaving again so he made sure to tell every guard,butler, and maid that tanjiro shouldn't leave without his permission and just in case he put a shock collar on tanjiro so if he walks out of the area he will get shocked"
"3 hours later"
Tanjiro:I wake up and I look around I though I was dreaming so I pinch myself it hurt so i knew I wasn't dreaming so that means muichiro is here I have to go as soon as I walk out there were 2 guys at the door they took me back inside the room
Giyuu:I'm sorry sir but you will have to remain until master tokito come back
Tanjiro:no let's me out of here if you don't I will call the cops
Giyuu:you can try but you don't have a phone on you oh and don't try to escape from the window we are on the 5 floor
"After giyuu said that he closes the door and leave tanjiro to have a panic attack he didn't want to see muichiro he just want to go home"
"1 hour and 23 min later"
Giyuu:hello master tokito
Muichiro:hello giyuu how is tanjiro doing
Giyuu:he is alright sir
Muichiro:you may leave now
"After muichiro tells giyuu and the other guard to leave he walks into the room and see tanjiro sleeping so he walks up to him and bite him on the shoulder tanjiro jolts up and see muichiro he backs up muichiro gets mad at his action and tells him to come here and he didn't listen to muichiro grabs tanjiro hard enough to leave a mark on his arm tanjiro whimper from the pain"
Muichiro:tanjiro you know I hate it when you don't listen to me
Tanjiro:I'm sorry please let go "started to cry"
Muichiro:will you listen to me
Tanjiro:yes I will listen please let go
"Muichiro let's go of tanjiro and puts him in his lap"
Muichiro:Tanjiro do you know how hard it was when you left me I almost lost my mind you know so I will ask you why did you leave
"Muichiro slaps tanjiro"
Muichiro:how dare you raise your voice at me like that do you want to get punished tanjiro
"Tanjiro held his face it was like 3 years ago muichiro is hurting him like back then so his first though was to get as far away from him so he got off muichiro lap and ran as fast as he could and muichiro ran after him telling him to stop but he didn't want to because of fear that muichiro will hurt again so tanjiro ran and once got outside when he made it though the gates he felt great pain flow though out his body he didn't notice the shock collar around his neck he begged for the pain to stop so muichiro turned the collar off and tanjiro passed out"
Muichiro:oh tanjiro what am I gonna do with you maybe you should appreciate my love for you I am gonna go this far to keep you with me
"After the events that had happen muichiro puts tanjiro in his bed and falls asleep next to him"
"4 hours later"
"Muichiro woke up first he has gotten used to waking up alone but now he is very happy that tanjiro is back with him muichiro get out of bed and prepare tanjiro favorite food"
Tanjiro:I wake up and I am still at the same place I felt my nerves jump I didn't want to be here I wanted to go home
"Giyuu walks in with food"
Giyuu:hello sir
Giyuu:I am sorry about yesterday I was just following orders
Tanjiro:why do you follow muichiro orders
Giyuu:because he is my boss anyway here is food for you eat and if you have any questions ring the bell when you are done
Tanjiro:I look at the food and say these are all my favorites thank you
Giyuu:you shouldn't thank me you should thank master muichiro he was the one who cooked it
Tanjiro:did he really
Giyuu:yes oh and the bathrooms over there and the closets over there goodbye
"After giyuu left tanjiro stares at the food and took a bite thinking about muichiro he doesn't understand does he still love him or hate muichiro even though he loved him for the time they spent together he hated how muichiro hurt him as tanjiro was in his thoughts muichiro walked in tanjiro backed up to the wall"
Muichiro:hello tanjiro are you doing better
Tanjiro:y-yes I am
Muichiro:I'm happy that you are speaking to me you know I will do anything for you right
Tanjiro:then let me go home
Muichiro:I can't do that I just got you back
Tanjiro:I didn't want to come back I just wanted to be free when me and you were together you always limited my actions I couldn't even talk to my old friends and you ended up threatening them so they stopped hanging out and talking to me I was happy when I left you I got friends now but you are doing the same thing like back then
"After tanjiro said that he look at muichiro and when he did he regretted looking at his because he could see the viens pop from his arms to his face and muichiro just walked out and slammed the door tanjiro was shaking wondering if muichiro was gonna come back and hit him but he didn't he just waited and waited but he didn't come back so he fell asleep"
Muichiro:I step out to cool down I see giyuu I walk up to him and ask him a question do you have a boyfriend
Giyuu:yes I do his name is sabito
Muichiro:okay giyuu tell me what I am doing right now to tanjiro do I need to dial it down
Giyuu:I am sorry if I speak out of terms sir but yes right now it's most likely that tanjiro will never love you again like this I say give him freedom but make a arrangement that he have to live here so you can keep a eye on him you should also allow him to see his friend and even let them come over from meeting tanjiro I can tell that he a gentle soul and would not betray you no matter what
"Muichiro looked at giyuu and then gave him a hug and giyuu is surprised"
Muichiro:oh giyuu I don't know what I would do without you i would have though of chaining him up thank you so much I am giving you a 50 percent raise goodbye
"After muichiro walked away giyuu though to himself why do I serve such a sociopath"

Abusive muichiro x tanjiro حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن