You'd never. ~ Pierre X Charles

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Charles Pov
26. That's how many times I've been friend-zoned by Pierre. Yeah I kept count. Ever since I've known him, I've thought he's insanely hot. He knows I'm gay, but somehow he never found out. Right now we were at a cafe and he was constantly flirting with a random girl. It made me upset, because I asked him to come here for a reason. I was going to tell him some exciting news I got a few days ago. Something that would blow his mind, but he wouldn't even listen to me. But mostly I came to say goodbye. I finished my coffee fast and stood up. "Where are you going?" He looked surprised. I just ignored him and walked out. I walked outside with my hands in my pocket.

I arrived home and looked at my packed boxes. Leaving Milan was going to be hard for me, but I was making a new start in Monaco. Maybe even meet a boy and get over my stupid crush. I sat down at my empty table and started writing a letter. My flight was tonight. I put the letter in an envelope and wrote Pierre's name on it. I grabbed the last of my stuff and put it in the back of the taxi. "I need to get to the airport, but is it okay if we make a tiny stop on the way?" The driver nodded and I gave him Pierre's adres. I was standing in front of his door and debated wether I should knock. I put the letter on his doormat and knocked. Then I walked back to the car with tears in my eyes. The driver took me to the airport, where I waited for my flight.

Pierre Pov
I opened the door but there was no one there. I looked down at the doormat and picked up a letter with my name on it. I recognized the writing immediately and smiled at the little heart in the corner. It made my heart flutter. I opened the letter and read it.

Dear Pierre,
I wish you wouldn't have been so busy with flirting, cause then I could've told you in person. I wanted to tell you in person, so that we could spend my last day in Milan together. I'm moving back to Monaco. I know I should've told you, but I couldn't as I know I'd have to tell you all the reasons. Maybe I'll finally meet a boy and get over my stupid crush. I never wanted to ruin our friendship like this, but it hurts too much. 26. That's how many times you have friendzoned me. When you didn't pay attention in the cafe today, I knew you'd never pick me. At least not in that way. I'll see you next season. Sorry it had to end like this.
Love, Charles

My eyes were watering as I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I tried calling him multiple times, but it kept going straight to voicemail. I checked my watch and knew immediately what to do.

Charles Pov
I was scrolling through old memories of me and Pierre and it made my heart ache. In one hour my flight would be boarding. Some trouble was being made at the gate and I didn't pay attention, until I heard a familiar voice and my head shot up. "Let me through! I swear I know him!" I looked at Pierre almost fighting the guards. I stood up slowly. "It's fine." I motioned to the guards. Pierre burst through the gates and attacked me in a hug. I didn't hug back, I couldn't.

He pulled away looking at me with bloodshot eyes. "Why? Why are you leaving me? Was I not good enough?" I took a step back to create some space between us. "Pierre, you were always good enough, but I can't do this anymore. It hurts to have you call me your friend every time and you also know that living in Monaco again has been my dream for a long time now." I looked down. He hugged me again. "Please Charles. Please don't leave." I slightly hugged him back. "I'm sorry." I whispered kissing his head. "Can I atleast wait with you?" He looked up at me our faces being close together and it scared the shit out of me. I nodded and went back to my seat as he sat beside me, laying his head on my shoulder.

I tried keeping in tears. I didn't want to leave him, but I needed to do this. For me. After 10 minutes they called my flight and I stood up getting ready to board. I waved at Pierre and started walking. I heard him yell after me. "Charles wait!" I turned around as he ran to me and in a swift move he cupped my cheeks and placed his lips on mine. I was shocked by his actions, but enjoyed it while it lasted. "Please don't find a boy." He looked at me with sad eyes. "Why now? I'm moving Pierre..." he nodded. "I know, but I'll come visit, I promise. And if you accept I would like to take you on a proper date." I smiled up at him. "I'd like that." He placed his lips on mine once more and pulled away. "Go. I'll see you soon." With that I boarded my plane, going into the clouds, while already being on cloud 9.

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