Chapter 2: Chuuya!?

Start from the beginning

The tall brunette made a big sigh and started explaining to all the small gingers what was happening. They all understood and calmed down a bit. 

Dazai suddenly felt a huge kick in the shin and screamed a bit and looked down. It was a small Chuuya but this one looked like a child. Dazai gasped super loud and picked up the tiny ginger. "THETHERE'SBABY CHUUYA!?" Dazai yelled out examining the pissed-off Chuuya. "I'M NOT A BABY!" He yelled out. "WAIT! Does that mean where your from I'm little too!?" Dazai asked. "YEA DUMBY! You're actually way shyer though." Chuuya said getting down back on the floor. "Makes sense," Dazai replied.

"So how are we gonna get back?" One of the Chuuya's said with a formal suit on. 

"I don't know, but I bet my little Chibi from where I'm from is gonna figure things out," Dazai said with a smirk thinking about Chuuya. 

"Do you think our Dazai's are with your Chuuya?" The female Chuuya called out. 

"No that I think about it, probably! He must be having a blast with all of me!" Dazai said in a joking way. 

"Well, mines probably not there..." One of the Chuuya's said out with a sad tone. 

"Why would you say that?" Dazai said confused.

"Well from my universe, one of your suicide plans were successful and you passed away 5 years ago," Chuuya said trying to not be too soft about it.

All the Chuuya's looked around, and yet they kinda knew how that Chuuya felt. They were all kind of scared of their Dazai to pass away from one of his suicide attempts. 

Suddenly the front door opened making the silence and sadness break. The Chuuya's who came from universes that involved the Port Mafia and stuff quickly pulled out a knife or gun. But as soon as they saw the school Chuuya come in with dinner they quickly put the weapons away. "What. The. Hell. Is. Happening." 

After explaining, eating, and chilling all the Chuuya's seemed to get along. 

"So, all of you haven't really told me where your from." Dazai said curiously wanting to know.

The female Chuuya started.

"Well, I basically have the same universe as you, except everyone from my universe is the opposite gender from your world." She explained.

"WAIT SO ATSUSHI IS A WOMAN!?" Dazai yelled out.

"Uhm- yeah?" She said awkwardly. 

Next was the Chuuya from the Kitsune AU!

"Uhm- All I can say I guess is that your a kitsune and a meet you in the woods every Saturday at 11:00 pm. Since my brother won't really ever let me out." Chuuya said calmly.

"Damn I must be handsome as a kitsu-" Dazai got cut off as soon as the 15-year-old Chuuya, the female Chuuya, and the school Chuuya slapped him.

"How about you?" Dazai turned to another Chuuya, but then this one looked like a normal person. He didn't have his usual Port Mafia clothes on.

"Oh- uhm. To be honest from where I'm from I've never met a Dazai before." He said awkwardly.

"WHAT!?" All of the Chuuya's yelled out. 

But Dazai kind of thought about it. What if Chuuya and he never met? What if he had already killed himself in that world. Who knows.

"Uhm- anyways what about you?" Dazai said turning to the next one.

"I work for you, you killed Mori and took over as the Port Mafia boss. Your not as childish like now, you're more dark and stubborn. Atsushi works for the Port Mafia too while Akutagawa works for the Armed Detective Agency and is our enemy." Chuuya said. 

"I'm guessing those marks on your hands are from me?" Dazai presumed.

Chuuya immediately covered his hand. He thought no one would notice, but well he did a crappy job at doing that. 

"Uhm- yeah." Chuuya sad looking down.

"Your Dazai sounds like a fucking asshole." The female Chuuya called out. 

"He is..." Chuuya replied.

It hurt Dazai a little bit since Chuuya said that, but at the same time his Dazai probably did really bad things to make Chuuya hate him and not love him the same as the rest of the Chuuya's do (at least some of them).

"Alright last but not least, you!" Dazai said turning to the last Chuuya.

"I work for the Armed Detective Agency, but it's weird how most of you work for the Port Mafia-" He said.

"Interesting... Do I work with you?" Dazai asked.

"No, you stayed back and became Port Mafia boss too. Except you've never really been able to harm me in such a way since we work in  completely different organizations." Chuuya explained. 

"Alright I'm tired of all of these backstories is there any wine here?" 15-year-old Chuuya asked a little cranky. 

"Yeah, let me go bust it out." High school Chuuya got up to go get some. 

When it came to Chuuya drinking he would drink until he was really fucking drunk, and Dazai usually looked forward to it. So tonight was gonna be a great night Dazai!

HELLO! ╰(*°▽°*)╯




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