s.o.b - stay with me

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warning : angst, blood, mentions of abuse.
request for @JulzLovDraco4Eva

christmas of 1977 had rolled around finally, after a long year of work and torment. y/n and lily were currently packing in their dorm, marlene and dorcas had gone out for a date along the black lake for their last few hours so they were alone in the room. lily had been rambling on about james for the past half an hour, "he's so annoying, vile really. he does all those stupid pranks and always tries to impress me. i mean he's cute and all, definitely my type. if only he wasn't annoying." y/n was nodding along and smiling to herself, knowing her sister was falling for the one, the only james potter. whether she liked it or not.

"i mean he's sweet, he defended me the other day when barty crouch jr begin to call me a mudblood, madame pomfrey spent two hours untying barty's tongue after james hexed him." y/n turned to look at her sister, watching her ramble on about james, yet she couldn't hear a word. all she could think about was the day in first year when she was saved by the marauders.

lucius malfoy had always given her a hard time for her blood status, usually she had just stayed behind lily and hoped he left. but he never did. on halloween during their first year, he and some of his friends - including barty - trapped her in a corridor on the sixth floor. they had her surrounded, she was hid in the corner behind a statue, trying not to cry. the boys were yelling things at her and threatening her. "you're nothing but a dirty little mud-" lucius was cut off by something unknown and the sound of a high pitched scream erupted through out the corridor and shoes scuttling to get away.

"y/n! y/n are you ok?" it was lily. y/n ran out of her corner into lily's arms, sniffling and thanking her. "thank you so much! how did you do that?" she smiled and stepped back, revealing four young boys. one short and squirmy under her gaze, one tall with a scar crossing his face, one shorter but not short with a cocky grin and round glasses and one with black mid-length hair. "who are they?" she asked, looking from them to lily.

"these are peter, remus, james and sirius. they are the ones who helped you." they smiled at her and walked towards the sisters. she smiled and thanked them, the start of a 6+ year friendship.

"lils, can you come sit on my trunk please? i need you to help me close it." after a lot of struggling, dragging the trunks down the stairs (literally) and then hauling them onto trolleys so be taken down to the hogwarts express, finally the girls were on the train in a carriage with the marauders. y/n was next to the window, next to sirius and remus. opposite her was lily who was furiously blushing sat next to james and peter was next to him. conversations and laughter could be heard from other carriages and the distant sound of the trolley lady could be heard down the corridor. occasionally, sirius and y/n would be in their own conversation and for some reason during these times y/n would be smiling a lot more than usual.

dread flooded sirius' face as the train pulled into sight of kings cross. he went paler than normal and gulped, staring at the station. "you ok pads?" y/n asked, reaching over to pat him on the knee.
"yeah, i'm erm. i'm fine." the train pulled in and came to an abrupt stop, hauling lily forward slightly, only to be caught by james with his hands on her hips. both furiously blushing. remus and i laughed at the two however sirius didn't. puzzling all of us.

we clambered off of the train and grabbed our bags. everyone except sirius went over to mrs potter, greeting her with hugs and appreciation to let us stay. we waved bye to sirius as we left, trying to be cheery but all slightly scared by the look on his face. he was stood with walburga and regulus. he looked dead inside almost. walburga was checking regulus and straightening his collar, no look of happiness on any of their faces.

we arrived at the potter household in a scurry, everyone hugging, saying hello to mr potter, placing presents under the tree, dragging trunks upstairs to unpack in various rooms. finally, they were all in bed, lily and y/n sharing a room, remus and peter sharing with james.

the next day was christmas eve. lily and y/n were helping make a christmas cake with mrs potter and peter, remus and james were helping mr potter out shopping for a turkey and some other christmas foods. music was playing through the background, taking over urges for everyone to start swaying their hips when they heard it. the day whizzed by and everyone sat in the living room, the fire pit blazing and hot chocolate mugs in everyones hands. telling stories and laughing. the back of y/n's mind could only think of sirius, is he ok? what's he doing? does he have hot chocolate? are him and regulus doing something brotherly?

a knock on the door disrupted her thoughts and everyone questioned who it could be. james opened the front door and shouted for him mum instantly, dragging an almost lifeless body into the living room. it was sirius. covered in blood, bruises and mud. his left arm was in the wrong direction and tears were flowing down his face. dread filled everyones minds and hearts at the sight.

he was carried to the spare room and the door was locked, no one but james and mrs potter were inside with him. y/n went into full blown panic mode. pacing in her and lily's shared room. crying until she got the hiccups. shaking, her mind crossing to the worst scenarios imaginable. lily watched for a moment before y/n started hyperventilating, shaking and not breathing properly whilst sobbing. a scream from the spare room arose and she sank to the floor, holding her chest.

lily sat with her and helped her breathe. "come on
y/n in through the nose, out through the mouth. thats it! come on stay in that pattern. good. he's going to be fine y/n, mrs potter is a literal god at healing." she looked at her sister, continuing her breathing. "but what if he's not?" lily sighed and hit her head against the wall. "i knew it. you like sirius."
"no i do not! this is just because he's a friend!"
"you so like him. always smiling and blushing around him. laughing at his dumb jokes, running to hug him after gryffindor win quidditch matches. you tease me all the time over james yet you're worse than me." it all hit her. she loved sirius. his dorky jokes, his stupid flirty manor, his floppy hair. she wanted him. she loved him.

after an hour, the door unlocked. james and his mum walked out of the door. they looked defeated. "y/n, he was asking for you." james said. looking at me and stepping to the side so i could enter. i walked into the room and gasped, he looked much better but was still not sirius. i sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out and grabbing his hand. "what... what happened?"

"they were trying to force him."
"force who? to do what?"
"regulus. they were trying to make him kill a muggle born girl. i refused and they beat me to pulp, first fight i've ever lost." he chuckled, seeing my stern expression he stopped, "they told him to do it seen as i was such a screw up. they cut me, they did it to
entice him. he's only 15 y/n." i watched his eyes pool as he thought of his poor brother, he loved him. "they told me i wasn't, nor would i ever be loved. that i didn't deserve it. threatened you and lily. they'll make us both death eaters."
"you are loved."
"friendship doesn't count."
"i'm not saying friendship. i love you, sirius. so much."
"really? you aren't just saying this to make me feel better?"
"no, i love you. please stay with me. don't go back."
"i have to, i have to save him."
"then we'll do it together, you're no good to anyone over there. i want to save him too, but i want to save you more." he smiled, nodding his head slightly and sitting up more, trying to lean forward.
"what are you doing? no don't move."
"i'm trying to kiss you, idiot."
"oh." and he did. pouring as much emotion as possible into it. they stayed like that for a while. she eventually fell asleep, on him. smiling in her sleep and cuddling closer with every movement.
"i love you too. i'll stay." it was the last thing she heard before she fell asleep, dreaming of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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