ᗯᗩKE ᑌᑭ

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The boy behind you pushed you once again, this time pushing you out the door. You felt yourself falling down, tripping over the previous girl's arm. Just as you thought you were going to fall face first, somebody running by saved you by pulling you up.

You never saw them, but now you're safe. You won't be culled today.

You can't rest now though, you have to run. Good thing your classroom is so close to the exit.

You frowned and took a deep breath in. You're ready to use up all of your stamina on this, just like you've been doing every other day of the week for years. You're going to make it out. 

"Lola, we can do this!" Someone yelled from beside you. You can't turn your head right now or you might get distracted and fall, but you can tell from his voice that it's Kai. He must've left the class at around the same time as you since he's beside you. Why couldn't you see him, Lola?

There's the exit! Only a few more steps and you'll be out.

"5" The counter started. Oh no... 5 more seconds left.

"4" Kai grabbed your hand and began to run faster, eventually making a big leap, taking both of you out of the building.

"3" The two of you tumbled onto the grass, rolling for a little bit. The fresh air hit you immediately. You're glad to have survived another day of school.

"2" You and Kai stood back, watching the remaining survivors flood out of the school.

"1" The entrance doors closed. Two people holding hands got their arms stuck in-between them. The girl's eyes widened as she looked at the boy on the other side of the glass doors. His arm is sticking out, but he's on the inside.

Eventually the doors forced themselves closed all the way, squishing the boy's arm and eventually dismembering it. You watched as the girl fell to the ground, witnessing the boy on the other side living his last moments. They're mouthing something to each other, but you can't tell what they're saying.

The slaughter will happen now. . . Those who didn't make it out will be killed off. They weren't fast enough. The school would say that their brains were too slow to get them out safely in the given amount of time, but you'd say that they were just unfortunate enough to be in the back.

Seeing this... Seeing people lose their friends to this used to hurt you, but you've seen it so many times that you've become numb to it. After all, it's basic school rules, and nobody can change that.

You looked over to Kai, who had a somewhat unreadable yet emotional expression plastered on his face. "We made it out just in time."

Loud sounds of gunfire and metal against metal came from inside the school.  Time to go.

Kai once again grabbed your hand and helped you up after he stood up himself. "So we're still going to our hangout spot, right?" Kai asked, starting to grin. 

For some reason he finds the culling fun. In your case it makes you anxious. You could quite easily die, but he doesn't see it that way. He thinks he'll survive every time because he's "too smart to die." He's a strong believer in the school's logic.

"Lola, are you listening?"

"Yeah, I'm listening and we're still going."

Instead of looking directly at you while you were talking Kai looked over your shoulder instead. You turned around and saw nothing but some other students walking and talking behind you, most of them have already emotionally recovered. The ones who didn't are those who lost friends, lovers or possibly even siblings or cousins.

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